Comments (9)
A simple little horror game but I enjoyed it and the ever presence of that big monster keeps you on edge.. Good job Quaternion..
Here is my let's play..
Neat game, I like the graphics. You should add some pictures to this page! I included it in my Asylum Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out.

Let's Play? Let's Play!
Hey there, I have finished a gameplay of your game I am glad I was able to figure out what to do. It was short but well made I loved it, 5/5. Gameplay link is below:
Youtube: Fellowplayer
Terror Mines
#asylumjam2015 Our entry for asylum Jam 2015. After being tossed into the tunnels below a ruined city, you find yourself with nothing but the sound of heavy footsteps and what little light remains from the hatch far above you. Escape or die trying.
Note: This build is quite fiddley as it was our first game jam made over a weekend around the work of our normal developer lives. After the voting period is over, we will continue to update this a bit and add more content and fix any issues we find. Feel free to leave comments below, we'd love to hear them.
Thanks for checking out our game!
Known Bugs:
Bojangles will chase you down into the spawn area and proceed to kill you over and over, and as you plead with him to stop he mercilessly laughs and continues to cut you up.
A small army of mini bojangles spawned in the storage area once. Pretty sure I didn't write that in. I'll look into it.
If you crouch into the generator, it will fly at you and will crush you in a wall as Bojangles hunts you down and kills you.