Comments (2)
Awesome! :D
Ship Test Game Build 001
The Depth Of The Universe
This game is probably broken and buggy, it is definitely incomplete and therefore would only advise you to download if you wish to give feedback and help the development process. It wouldn't be a complete waste of time at this current moment to download and check it out anyway but expect a simple game similar(ish) to asteroids, make sure you don't run of fuel otherwsie you will be left for dead. I will be uploading all builds (hopefully) to this site and plan on having atleast 1 build released every day, if a build is stable or atleast I think it is stable I shall put it on its title and if a build is a significant change to the last one it will say so. If none of this puts you off and you download and give me some feedback below of what to add / change then it is much appreciated.
What I am currently looking for - I am currently looking for an artist due to my lack of artistic skill, if you do this then you will be credited on this page and when the game has a credit page on their aswell. If you are interested then add me on here and message me.
QuickPlay - This will always be the latest build.
Build Logs -
Build 001 Uploaded with Build 002, only difference is Build 001 lacks a background.
Build 003 Added.