
Comments (27)

What do you think?

Really funny, nicly made game! I included it in part 1 of my Epic Game Jam compilation video series, if you would like to check it out :)

Heya, really got a couple of laughs out of this game :) I made a let'splay video, if you have any objections please let me know!

Weirdest game ever... btw still awesome .. this is my playthrough

This is one of the best games I played. Clean and simple.
Check out my other comments on my Let's Play with Zeffi!

At first I didn't know how to even... But it soon became epic. ALL the references. It's cute and really brings forth a laugh or two. I did a play through of this on my quite new channel, if you'd like to have a look please click here I always link back to the game & developer, as it should be :)

Go on an epic adventure to kidnap the princess! You play as a lonely jellyfish, that has gone partially evil. But for the jellyfish to be able to do his evil act, he must do good!

This is an entry for the #epicgamejam. It is made in 45 hours, and has 1 main theme along with 11 subthemes that were added to the game along the way.

Any feedback is highly appreciated! We hope you enjoy the game.

x to interact with characters
arrowkeys to move around
space to enter/exit select mode
left and right arrowkey to navigate inventory in select mode

Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference

A new dimension