Comments (3)
Looks kinda cool. I'll have to play it tomorrow.
Love the look of the area, however, I was getting killed by a grey person, so I started hitting X and my sword WAS swinging, but the gray man wold not die.
I also wish the central player could sprint and that I knew what to do! But, this is only a demo! good luck!
The Fortress Demo
The Fortress Demo Compressed
This is a short demo of a game I'm doing by myself, programming and graphics, music by vwolfdog from opengameart. It is based(inspired) in the first 'Legend of Zelda' game in that feel of achievement when finally figured out some secret so the game is centered in secret's searching.
Use arrow keys to move and 'X' to attack.
The demo ends by defeating the "boss-puzzle"
Thanks for your time I hope hear of you.
Y algo en español para que no olviden que también lo hablo.
Mild Cartoon Violence