
Comments (2)

What do you think?


hm. Has it's charm. Kinda genial... hm. I am currently deciceded to make a GTA SA-IV remamke but pacifist, with more realistic physics - except multipoint-contact collisions, and so. but you gotta a weapon which can shoot unlimited projectiles... anyway a lot of projectiles, using malloc() to allocate memory. I have been experimenting too nice-looking environments in games. Not least as point of view, but some things can take lots of time to do.

A pseudo 3d game wherein you must dodge miscellaneous video game characters from the past.

you use the arrow keys to move.

if you hit a "R" icon, you'll go into revenge mode, then you'll need to spam the space bar as much as possible.

if you hit the cherries then you'll summon pac-man who will eat the baddies on screen.

if you hit the superstar you'll be invincible.

there is no end to this game, you simply keep on going till you die.


Mild Cartoon Violence
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