Comments (39)
Interaction didnt seem to want to work for me, but I love the graphics. I included it in part 32 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/TlQUkawVXfA
Looks great, atmosphere is like in amnesia, I see a lot of effort, good ideas, but game is too short, which is obvious if you take in consideration that it was made in 72 hours.
The voice acting rocks XD!!! I struggled in second room, it took some time to figure out what to do, only after I heard "the old man" again, I realized what I've got to do.
I really hope there's gonna be a part 2 or extended version of this game.
It impossible to catch the bunny, but the game is good.
I cant catch his pet bunny!!!!
Nice atmosphere. Reminds me a bit of Only If
The Mansion
UPDATE July 15, 2015: This game will be refined and polished, and more puzzles are to come! Follow the game to get WIP screenshots, videos, and possibly game builds.
The game will be a puzzle/adventure genre, it will include...puzzles and voice acting. We wanted of course to integrate humor into the game, but we also wanted it to be horror-esque. It meant that the art style was to be very gloomy and the gameplay is inspired by the first person horror game structure. We put heavy emphasis on art style in our entry, we wanted something that was unique and pleasing to the eye, as well as efficient, that is why we went for a cartoony style.
W-walk forward
A-strafe left
S-walk backward
D-walk right
Left Mouse Click-interact (only click once to interact, dont continuously click)
Tony Semenkov- Programming, Compositioning, Compiling, Puzzle Design, Story
Enther- Music Compositioning
Javier Fiallos- Concept Art, Artwork for "Art" textures (paintings on walls)
Dan Semenkov- Puzzle Design, Story
Joseph Holtz- Voice Acting, Sound Editing
Oliver Pennanen- Concept Art, Modeling, Texturing
27 Unique Models
60 Unique Textures
36 Unique Sound Effects
4 Unique Background Ambient Tracks
2 Unique totally exhausted team members: The Programmer and the Modeler/Texture Artist/Animator