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The Octagon Theory
The Octagon Theory (TOT) is a abstract board game. It has offline single-player against one of two AIs. Or synchronous online play against one to three human opponents.
The object of the game is to knock the opponents' pieces off the board. The player with the highest number of pieces on the boaed after thirty turns is the winner.
Each player places two pieces on the board during his turn. All four piece types are directional and three of them are rotatable: the one-piece, two-piece, and four-piece can all be rotated before being placed on the board. The eight-piece is not rotatable because it can push opponents pieces in all eight directions.
The one-piece pushes one opponent's piece in the direction of its rotation. The number of one-pieces is unlimited. The two-piece pushes up to two opponent's pieces in the two directions of its rotation. The four-piece pushes up to four opponent's pieces in the four directions of its rotation. The two-, four-, and 8-pieces are all limited in number. The stronger pieces are fewer.
To play...
When it is a player's turn he clicks on a piece at the bottom to select it, then clicks on the left/right rotation marks to rotate the selected piece, then clicks on the board to place it.
Note: The piece can be repositioned on the board by clicking in a different position.
'Fix' the position of the piece by clicking on it a second time.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the player's second move.
The next player turn will start, and he repeats step 1.
Everytime a piece is placed on the board it will either do nothing, or if there are adjacant opponent pieces, those pieces will be pushed away from the placed piece. The opponent pieces may be pushed off the edges of the board or into the black hole in the middle of the board. This decreases the total of the opponent.
To win try to knock as many opponent pieces off the board as you can while keeping your pieces from being knocked off.