
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Weird little game. Nice that it had a voice over. Well done... :)

Awesome!I really like the atmosphere of the game!Short but nice and spooky.It felt a bit like a simple lovecraftian experience.still thinking about this game... :P

This was a really freaaaaky little story. I thought it was pretty neat!
Hope you like the "Let's Play" I made of it.

this game is so fucked up, i just cant even play it for more than 3 minuts i swear im going to have night mares from this shit

Very surreal and disturbing game. Great atmosphere!

The Silver Tray is a spooky interactive story about a man who is visited every night by a specter who thirsts for his blood.


Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
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