
time (engine.lol concept)
doesn't seem to be a end to this is there?
click the highlighted borders of your cartridge or use wasd/arrows to move.
trigger warning - suicide/disassociation, play safe!
dev notes
i wouldn't blame you if you are confused on what the hell is happening in this game. overall the protagonist is tired of repeating what feels like the same events over and over to no avail, feeling like a higher being made it specifically for them to suffer for their amusement. eventually the protagonist doesn't think everything is real and can't bear the pain anymore, leading them to suicide, with it either working and them not escaping, or it failing and them feeling like a sick joke.
i was kinda putting off on releasing this, i made this over 2 months ago as im writing this, im turning the overall plot of this into a full fledged game, which is coming soon to a rpgmaker mv near you... (with the main story rewritten to an extent)
made in engine.lol