
Comments (30)

What do you think?

the 2nd game is coming soon

a fangame of a fangame of a fangame

1st game is buggy

the game won't download!

im making a remaster of the 1st one


Tubbyland 2008 (OLD)

Version: 2.1.0almost 3 years ago
Old version. Go download the remastered (refreshed) one!

Tubbyland 2016 a.k.a Tubbyland 2008 2 (OLD)

Version: 0.1.0almost 3 years ago
Old version. Go download the remastered (refreshed) one!

Tubbyland 2036 a.k.a Tubbyland 2008 3

Version: 0.1.0over 2 years ago
This game will not be getting remastered. The only changes this game will have (soon) is a new "Old Po" model.

Tubbyland Refreshed (UPDATED)

Version: 0.1.09 months ago
Night PTLD added

Tubbyland Refreshed 2 (TEST)

Version: 0.1.010 months ago

-=Tubbyland 2 Refreshed=- (FULL GAME)

Version: 0.1.09 months ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Menu (First Game)


(First Game (Tubbyland 2008)


Laa Laa- Close the door on her once she's at cam E (she will make a noise when she's there).

Po- Wind her Music Box in Cam B

Tinky Winky- Click on him in the cameras

Dipsy- Use the fumes on him once he's in the office (be quick).

Noo Noo- Keep your monitor up and wait for him to leave.


You're Parker Anderson and you're an investigator. You're trying to find out who killed your brother. You decide to take a job at the restaurant called "Tubbyland Activity Center" you realize that your brother had been there, so you go looking for him there. You also know that the "Custard Machine Incident" occurred at the restaurant. You soon find out that you're not alone...........

~Refreshed Version~

The same as the 1st one. But Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Po have different mechanics. Listen to the phone calls for instructions or you can just continue reading.




Po- Starts in the Repair Room (Cam 2) and moves to cameras 5, 6, 7, and finally to the office. Once she gets in Dining Room 2 you will immediately get jumpscared. To prevent this, you'll have to play sound in the Party Area to push her back a camera. Keep doing this and she will go back to the Repair Room.

Dipsy- He starts onstage with Laa Laa and will move on night 3. He will either go through the party area, party hall, repair room, left door, into vent to the Secondary Dining Room and to the office, or he can just do his shorter path which is: The Party Area, 1st Dining Room, Second Dining Room and then the office. If he's in the office hide and after 4-5 seconds he'll leave.

Tinky Winky- He starts in the Repair Room with Po and will move to cameras

5, 3, 9, and 8. Once he gets in cam 8 turn on the heater and he'll leave after about 5 seconds.

Laa Laa- Door obviously

Noo Noo- Pull up your monitor if it's in the office.

thats it :>




Scratch- What I made this game with.

Clicky Code- Tubbyland SAGA. @Critolious

Scott Cawthon- Fnaf SAGA. @realscawthon

Scratch Beta Testers

And YOU! - Thanks for playing!



#fnaf #fangame #horror #strategy #other #scary


(2nd game (Tubbyland 2016)


You're Evan Jameson and you're looking for a job to get some money. You look on the newspaper and you find something....... Looks like Tubbyland Entertainment is bringing the old restaurant back to life with new animatronics, and the old original "Po" animatronic is there. You decide to take a job there, but you find out that the animatronics are possessed. You can't just quit the job. You REALLY need money, so you have no choice but to stay and survive until 6 AM.


Tinky Winky- Watch him on the cameras to keep his patience from going down to 0 (his patience starts at 10,000) if you don't watch him enough, he will go to your office and end your run by killing you.

Dipsy- Gives about the same react time as Laa-Laa. When he's in the office he will NOT put your monitor down. Use the smoke machine to get rid of him.

Laa-Laa- She gives you more react time than Po 2.0. When she's in the office she will put your monitor down (if it's up). Use the smoke machine to get rid of her.

Po 2.0- She gives you the least reaction time so be quick! She puts your monitor down when she's in the office. Use the smoke machine to get rid of her.

Old Po- She will start in the Spare Parts room. If you hear one of her voicelines quickly switch to the vent camera and watch her and wait for her to leave out of the vent.

Noo Noo- Use the transmissions to keep him from turning on and going to your office. If you hear his music box, use the transmissions.

Refreshed Version


Keys: Press 'Space' to get rid of smoke. Or you can just click.

Old Po: Usually the first one to attack because of her short path, however, Laa Laa moves faster, but doesn't get in your office first because of her long path. Old Po starts in the Spare Room sitting down. Then she will get up and go in the middle of the room. After that she can either go towards the vent and into the middle hall, or straight in using the right door. If she gets in, YOU CAN MOVE. I couldn't code it so when she can get you when you move. The only way she can is if you put the mask on or flip the camera up. (You CAN use the smoke) She will then leave. If Dipsy, Laa Laa, or Po 2.0 are in the room, Old Po will automatically leave. She won't pull the camera down. You will hear footsteps.

Po 2.0: She is usually the second to attack, Laa Laa can beat her to it though. She starts on stage beside Laa Laa. After that, she will run to the Arcades. Then the Tubby Toilets, then the Tubby Hall. After that, she will enter your office. Put the mask on and she will leave. She gives the shortest amount of time to react. When you put the mask on, she will leave quickly to the Party Room instead of back to the stage. She pulls the camera down.

Laa Laa: Third to attack, usually. She starts on stage besides Po 2.0. She will then run to the Tubby Toilets, then the Arcades, then into the Party Room. She will then enter the Tubby Hall. She gives the most time to react. Activate smoke so it will come in the room and blind her. She will then leave. She pulls the camera down

Dipsy: Very slow and the last to attack. He starts in the Arcades. After that he will come closer in the camera. He will then enter the Tubby Toilets room, then the Tubby Hall. He attacks the same as Laa Laa but doesn't pull the camera down once he enters. He gives you the same amount of time as Laa Laa.

Party Noo Noo: He doesn't activate until Night 2. He resides in his kitchen. He will randomly activate. When he does, click the 'Toggle Transmissions' button to transmit signals to his system so he deactivates. He gives you around 2-5 seconds to react. After that, he will require about 60 transmissions. The number of signals goes down quickly and recharges slowly. He usually attacks you twice a night at most (excluding Night 1). You will know when he activates when his music box starts playing, ready to clean.

Tinky Winky: He activates on Night 3. You have to watch him frequently, so he doesn't move. If you don't watch him, he will go in your office using the middle door. He will then cause a power outage. The outage will last between 20-40 seconds until he jumpscares you. The others will surely be able to attack you beforehand though.


3rd Game:

Trial and error or phone calls

Q & A= Left Door

W & S= Middle Door

E & D= Right Door

1 & 0= Main Heater

Space= Power Recharge

The characters make a specific noise when they are at your entrances.

this has no lights due to errors with them.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed


Refreshed 2 Models

Tubbyland 2008 the Remake 3 Models

(Tubbyland 2036) SPOILERS