
Comments (15)

What do you think?

I already enjoyed this demo so far. Also, I did a gameplay on it and about to post it on my channel

It contains Desk Fan 10/10 game instantly


Hi, found out you posted this game 2 days later but oh well, looking forward to the full game. Anyways i just had left the Yamame and Kisume's sidequest so i was gonna do it, but right after when they decide to go to the restaurant and the screen goes black this error appeared, making the sidequest impposible to do.

There are some other things i found out so far as well: some mispelling errors, in the Hurting Ailments section Chill doesn't have an icon, you can't read the sign that should say like that way to the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, the flowers of the Nameless Hill don't hurt you (though i think nobody walks through them now lol), if you enter the Hakugyokurou Manor only through the right door, the music changes to the Mario Elevator Music until you exit the Netherworld or go to the Saigjou Ayakashi, when doing Nazrin's treasure game (after completing the sidequest) it could happen that when you dig all the treasure a new round doesn't start, idk how many rounds you've set but i only tried twice, 1st attempt i got to round 6 but in the 2nd one to round 4, and when the time runs out or talking to Nazrin to finish earlier, there's only Reimu in the party (though the others are still in the menu) and there's no music.

Well that's all for now, i've wanted to do all sidequests before doing the main story so oops, and maybe some people don't care about some mispelling errors cuz they dont't notice them, but if you want me to add screenshots of them, tell me and i'll edit this comment.

Ok too much text now bye.


Oof, sorry for the constant reports, i wish i could've seen this earlier.


Frostbite here has the wrong icon.


Medicine has some Bombs in the Skill section.

Starting from Hard difficulty, when Strange Flowers are summoned in Sandbox (wether by itself, the commanders or Lieutenant) they have their Normal difficulty stats.

Poison heal heals the enemy, not the ally.


This error pops up when using Mokou's Ring of Fire.


Another error when using Suika's Spell Card Drunken Dream: Art of Segaki Binding.


For some reason Mokou is unable to use this Spell Card even if she has 100 TP/DMK.


Oni Sign: Missing Power targets the enemy, not herself.


Another collision error.


Now i know who can get this section, but still it appeared by itself, i only chosed Sanae's Skills.


Another state that lasts forever.

TNGaU: Eternal Winter Whackiness

A spin-off to Touhou Gyoshoku: Nighter, Grinder and Uncut made for the FNaFb Winter Gamejam. Developed by me and @GapYoukai420 .

NOTE: *The game uses the Cirno font. If the text somehow feels a bit off, install the fonts that come with the game.

Gensokyo is caught in a rather sudden winter! Reimu and co. must now resolve this incident or Gensokyo will be trapped in winter, FOREVER.


  • Gensokyo covered in snow!

  • Fairies, Hanafudas and Kedamas all dressed up for the not-holidays!

  • A linear-ish story!

  • Side-quests!

  • Balanced gameplay! Hopefully

  • Text-to-Speech voices! Gotta stick to the classic!

  • Walfas art! again!

  • Absolutely no Night of Debauchery whatsoever

#fnafb #fnafbfangame #wintergamejam #rpg #touhou

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Strong Language
Mature Humor
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