Comments (55)
Shooter after releasing the final CN game

you an do the thug shaker huh
first impressions: pretty solid, not sure if i like the fact that the door animatronics (the nightmares, ennard etc) dont hit the door instantly like in the og but it is pretty fair which i respect
7/10 (probably might change)
Its impossible to download
UCN: Recode
Ultimate Custom Night with recoded mechanics and rebalanced gameplay. This recoded version was made with the purpose of making UCN more fun and challenging for all players, and making gameplay very chaotic and unique.
@realscawthon UCN
Glitchbear87 Tester
@Frogger25 Tester
@kamucn Tester
@Nephryte Inspiration
@Outlandish Tester
@Shosela Tester
@rayzeee Tester
@rub_y Tester
@TheYeBoy Tester
@Toadder25 Tester