Comments (11)
Looks very cool graphically: always loved old-school shooty games. The controls are disagreeable though -- why enter for fire, instead of ctrl? -- and there's a massive sound issue when i touch the ladder without a key: it adds another instance of the level tune every tic, creating godawful racket that forced me to close.
This is really cool! It reminds me a bit of classic Wolfenstein 3D.
Very good, lots of ambition, but PLEASE fix the walking. It's very disorienting.
Game is awesome! Just make the controls a little better.
This game is AWESOME!!!
Underground Fortune
Underground Fortune is my game for the theme "Beneath the surface" made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare competition.
It is a 3D First Person Shooter/Adventure game.
Controls are simple:
You can either use W,A,S,D or Arrows.
Everything else is in the game.
Game is made in the Game Maker: Studio engine which uses GML as a programming language.
Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the game and please leave your opinion here in coment section.
Here's the game in the Ludum Dare 48 competition: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-29/?action=preview&uid=28872