Comments (31)
There's no doubt that undertale yellow inspired you to create a fan game about human souls. I'm curious to know this human's story and to discover the new monsters.
Cool fangame!
And I'll ask something I ask for ALL perceverance souls... How the hell did your glasses not break
(ignore the fact that you weren't suppose to survive the fall in the first place)
i made that dino dude :0 i made the drawing and then the team made it sprite artwork :0 i love it so much!!
Game Soundtrack
File Selection; pastalight

Undertale Magenta is an unofficial fan-made prequel of Toby Fox's UNDERTALE, made by Team Remix.
The official DEMO is planned to release someday, with it featuring the Ruins, The Lowlands, Home, & some of Snowdin Forest.

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A prequel on the friendly RPG where NOBODY has to DIE!
Explore the world of Toby Fox's UNDERTALE, with new areas, new content, new characters, and creative puzzles to experience.
New gameplay mechanics and quality of life improvements both original and DELTARUNE-inspired.
DELTARUNE-inspired overworld dodging and inventory quality of life additions.
A notebook for keeping track of monsters encountered, side quests, and past information you experienced. Can be used for combat.
Battle monsters with new features.
You can either fight your way out or resolve battles peacefully.
The newly introduced feature is MAGIC! You can perform spells you have been taught in-battle.
The world will react to the choices that you have made.
Encounter new characters, with some characters yet to be known about in UNDERTALE.
In Undertale Magenta, you will be encountering a new and vibrant cast of characters alongside a few familiar faces.
UNDERTALE © 2015 / DELTARUNE © 2018 by Toby Fox, Temmie Chang & Co.
#undertale #rpg #fangame #adventure #action #puzzle #bullethell #bullet_hell #team_remix #teamremix #undertale_magenta #undertalemagenta #utm #undertale_purple #undertalepurple #utp
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans