
Comments (3)

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The header pic is beer :)

the header pic looks like beer

Urine It to Win It! is an incremental game where you pee into a toilet to earn points. You can then spend those points on luxury upgrades to the bathroom you're in, and eventually on better bathrooms in exciting new locations.

Steam Greenlight Campaign

Cancelled Kickstarter Campaign

Polygon Article

Cliqist Article

It's meant to sort of be like the incremental gameplay of Cookie Clicker or Candy Box meets the design sensibilities and polish of The Sims meets, you know.. a toilet.

The game would be sold for a dollar. There would be no ads or in-app purchases, we just want to see if people think something like this is worth one US dollar. We're of course prepared for the answer to be "No." :)

The screenshots and video are prerendered assets made with After Effects and Cinema 4D. We haven't started developing the code side of the game yet because A. we wanted to completely design it first to see if it would be as funny as we thought it would (it is, it turns out, we think it's pretty hilarious) and then B. see what sort of reaction it got on Greenlight.

Obviously it's pretty weird and it doesn't take itself too seriously.

Crass Humor
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