Comments (20)
Cool simple concept only problem i have is i cant get the window to go any bigger than the size of a dollar coin Its hard to see anything.
Can u plz except my friend request I wanna give you ideas
All ur games r amazing keep up the good work :)
thanks for puting the game on my game jam
made it to wave 6
Vague Space
Vague Space is a prototype I made for my high school senior thesis project about game development for the blind. You can view the rest of my senior thesis here.
Vague Space is a space shooter built around being entirely playable by the blind.
The game features voice cues (Including an in-depth "How to Play".), responsive sound effects, and global sound positioning to aid the player play through the game.
-How to play-
Vague Space is a space shooter in-which you must either dodge incoming enemies or shoot them in order to survive the darkness of deep space.
Whenever an enemy gets close to your ship, you will hear your radar beep in the direction of the threat. However, if an enemy is directly in front of the ship, you will hear loud sirens to warn you. At this point you can either shoot the enemy down or dodge the hazard by moving left or right.
There are three different types of enemies. There is a slow asteroid, a fast alien scout, and a lightning speed alien speeder. The faster an enemy is the higher pitch the radar will be.
Rather than dodging enemies, you can instead shoot an enemy when it is directly in front of you. After you shoot your blasters, they must recharge. They will automatically recharge indicated by a whirring sound. When they finish charging, you will hear a beep indicating they are ready to be fired again. All enemies can be killed using one shot.
Simply stay alive as long as you can. The longer you live, the more you can brag!
Every game session, you will be able to set up your controls after simply starting the game. You may use any keys to play the game.
-Resolution Control-
F1 - Default resolution
F2 - 2x resolution
F3 - 3x resolution
F4 - Fullscreen (4:3 only, sorry!)
#blind #accessibility #action #space #shooter #arcade #endless #gameboy #gamemaker #pixelart