Comments (5)
finally, a game that does meta horror right! i like this one. very nice usage of plugins and overall atmosphere set-up. even jumped one time :D although at first i thought that the cartoony rpg maker portraits reduced from the atmosphere, i think they work in the game's favor - you go in thinking "oh, just another rpg maker horror game. time for a quick laugh." but instead the game throws one creepy curve at you after another. very nice.
the demo isn't without bugs, however:
- the "ZOMBIE!" event in Christine's room triggers everytime you enter it. autorun moment :P
- you can pry off the shotgun off the corpse's body an unlimited amount of times.
- the lower part of the wardrobe event disappears into nothingness once you interact with it the first time.
no other bugs however. simply ironclad. i have high hopes for this one :) wish you and the game well.
Hey there. I played a bit of your game. Unfortunately I don't think resolution is working for me. The game tells me to go to the room on the right but the screen is zoomed in so it's hard to tell where anything is. Let me show you an example...

Oh, and the game seems pretty interesting so far. Definitely unique compared to others I've played.