
Vitae: Soulbound
This is a 3rd person shooter, with magic!
This was a 10 week project in school (~7 Week Production) and this is the result for the deadlines we had. We are going to hammer abit more on it until its feels better and if we get good feedback of what we got we might continue on it.
We are total of 9 guys and we hope you will like our little game.
Punch - Swings his arm in front of him fast and hard.
Grappling Hook - The range is 20m and you can either swing yourself if you aim is good or drag a player towards you if you hit a player.
Void Ball - Shoot a fast ball of magic but it has a semi long cooldown.
Gravity Ball - Shoots a slow ball that by time gets a stronger gravity pull and then collapse and spread its gravity outwards.
Made by:
Alexander Poon, Ermin Kurtic, Kevin Ferm, Dennis Magnusson, Fredrik Schnuff Olsson, Christian Skarin, Stefan Ekelund, Joakim Karlsson, Viktor Orshammar