
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Other than that solid game dude!

Make it phone compatible please!

Hey everyone! Check out the new material added to the game! Have fun and enjoy it!


Wa! HaHaHa!

Hello everyone, this is a demo of a fun project I have been creating. It is Wario World 2 based off the Gamecube game Wario World!

Please note: I do not own the sprites nor rights to the characters used, and this is meant to be a free fun game for people to try out. The music is also not mine! I just wanted to make a fun fan game and let people try it out!


  • WASD to move character
    Note: WASD can be changed by clicking Ctrl+y and then changing the controls yourself or by clicking file and then clicking players.

  • F to punch/pick up objects and enemies

  • Q to throw items/enemies when picked up

  • Space Bar to jump

  • Space Bar while Jumping makes Wario do a ground pound

  • E to absorb

  • Shift to dash attack

  • Shift then Space Bar to perform a dash jump

Wario's treasure has been stolen! Who could have taken all his gold! Its up to Wario to search his world and find the thief!

Available Content:

  • 1 Throne Room

  • 1 Training Ground

  • 1 Treasure Room

  • 1 Castle Grounds

  • 2 Adventure Worlds

  • 2 Bosses

Updated Content (1/9/2019)

  • Added Ice Land including Boss for world

  • Added different mechanics in new world

  • Updated the way bonus worlds worked so there can be more than 1

  • Added more creatures to the new world

  • Added control change between WASD and Arrow Keys by choice

  • Fixed some textual bugs and background glitches

Updates Planned for Future:

  • Adding Save Function

  • Adding a store to use all the coins

  • Adding more Adventure Worlds

  • Adding more Bosses

  • Adding more creatures to the game

  • Fixing bugs

Update Notes:
Hey everyone! Hope you had some nice holidays! I have worked on adding another world to my game and now I'm letting you all test it out and have fun with it! This shivering world will keep you thinking with some puzzles scattered throughout the land. If you find any bugs or glitches please let me know so I can fix them! Also if you think it could use some idea then comment and I'll be happy to look into it!

Have any suggestions or thoughts? Post a comment and I will try my best to answer you! I will gladly hear you out although I may not be able to add every request.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the game!

#fangame #action #platformer #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!