eteled vs whitty (dream-of-peace x lo-fight | diagraphephobia x ballistic )
This is a mod created by AgotiStyle - YouTube by me
@KadeDev made ballistic and lo-fight
@Godnoob443 for make playble whitty
@agotistyle vocals and edits sprite coder and edithor and coding (me)
â–¶discrod: â–¶tiktok: â–¶soundcloud: â–¶twitter: â–¶twitch:
----- OG Songs composers ------
Dream of Peace by AnthemOverload
lo-fight by Sock.clip
diagraphephobia by TheMaskedChris:TheMaskedChris - YouTube
ballistic by kade Dev:Kade Dev - YouTube
eteled vs whitty dream-of-peace x lo-fight:
eteled vs whitty diagraphephobia x ballistic: