

What do you think?
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Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Itty Bitty 8 Bit

Download the .dll file for it to work

if you get the error "OpencolorIO Missing from computer, you need
to download the file!

Sorry for the inconvienience please understand I do what I can to make the game work.

Wired is a simple platformer, trying to bring back the feel of old platformers. As you watch the blocks spinning over and over, time and time again you'll realize just how much potential wired has. It might not look so interesting but, if you dig inside then I'm sure you'll enjoy it. So enjoy wired, and drinking your soda cup on your desk, along with a bag of lays potato chips. Of course nobody could forget that part!


Play wired no download required!

I’ve just descovered the burster plugin for blender game engine games so now my game will be able for you to enjoy!

Help make Wired Popular!

Hello everyone! I am doing this to make way for any other games I might want to make, maybe another wired ;) Well Please guys share this game with your friends I would really feel happy and uplifted if you did that. Thanks.

Wired is out!

Hi Guys just a quick message to you all that Wired is finally out, after weeks in development hopefully you guys like it!

~Double BLubbs

DBG New Release: Wired