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F4va game's news
15 Members

Comments (19)

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la mia onesta recezione: Usa WASD PLS. se lo scarico non c'รจ la bandierina quindi devo relodare la pagina, fai che c'รจ un pulsante per ricominciare, oppure mettilo in .sb3 a download

peak again

bello 8 su 10 comunque ti consiglio di mettere uno sfondo che indica la fine e che ti puoi muovere con ASWD

oh skibidi where have you gone im getting hungry and i need to rizz a gyatt

this is my first scratch project! it's a very simple game where you are one of the last humans on an earth ruled by infected (zombies) a very simple but important game for me since it's my first scratch game!

Mild Cartoon Violence

Do you prefer the new or the old map?

Since they are also in the pictures, which playermodel do you prefer? new or old?

I think I posted the update, but I'm not entirely sure it works anyway: in the article I say what's in the new update!



Hey guys! The game is not dead! im making a lil big update,it Will have new zombie and a new zone!!!!

but probably it Will exit in a month,i know it's a lot of time but i won't use the PC for a month,sorry

Ok credo sia un Flex che degli indiani hanno scaricato il mio gioco(bho)

hey guys,new update!

now the game is more difficoult:

-2 new type of zombie

-main character redising

Hi evryone! You can now download the beta! Tell me if there are any problem or bug

Ciao a tutti,oggi vi volevo annunciare il mio primo progetto su scratch! รˆ un gioco molto semplice dove devi sparare a degli zombie con il tasto sinistro e muoverti con le Arrow keys,la beta รจ in lavorazione e credo uscirร  oggi o domani