17 days ago

Ꭿꭹꮎꮑꮦꮎ Ꮷꮣ 💞

Ꭶꮵꭼ ꮣꭶ ꮇꭹ ꮇꭿꮣꮑ ꮳꮵꮧꭿꮳꮏꭼꮧ 💞

Ꭵ Ꮁꮎꮩꭼ ꮳꮤꭹ = <ꮔꭴꮐ 💞



Next up


Ꮃꮎꮃ:( Ꭵ Ꮃꭺꮑꮏ ᎥᎿ :< ꭺꮑꮷ ꭵ ꮷꮎꮑ´ꮏ ꮵꭿꮙꮛ ꭻꮎꮣꮏꮟꮑꮨ T^T

Go To Follow @ SaraMedroum She is My best Friend!!💞💫


too lazy dis morning -_-;

sketch :3

So cute 😭😭💞💞💗💖 how I Drawing it,💞💗💖🤌


had this account for a while now…

but i never really posted anything here eek! so hallo first post!!!!

🐈‍⬛ Black Cat 🐈‍⬛

From The Baby in Yellow

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💫!!!It's will get e Happy OMG!!!💫

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A friendly game >:D

There is a new Looney Tunes game coming up and I'm so excited Wile E and Roadrunner are in it

Me Too, Why Baby Killing Newt??😭 Poor Newt 🥺