Team SARA: a RWBY side-story
5 years ago

1.7.3 - The Nitpicker's Update

If you open the article, you'll see a huge list of tiny things changed during a couple play tests...and that's just ones I felt like writing down...

The 1 real bug is something that would fix itself a couple scenes later.

-One of the new Team SPAZ scenes sets player movement speed to 3…and doesn’t reset it to 4…cutting your movement speed in half for Team SARA’s volume 2 mission (fixes itself after things hit the fan) or Team RKKT during the breech (and Team CARR’s speed to 25% for dessert searching…fixes itself upon entering the train tunnel).

-The map size of Team CLEN’s chicken hunt has been cut in half (from 17x60 to 17x30)…if this results in you being stuck by being in a non-existant part of the map…use the 4th Wall Breaker to reset to starting point.
-Things you’re hearing through electronics (scrolls, tvs, radios, recording booths…) now appear in borderless windows.
—Wisp speaking while transparent also appears in borderless windows.
—There’s a lot more of this than I thought there was when I started changing it…so I may have missed some.

-“Light Up” is now instant cast…but applies a -25% hit rate (Sarah has plenty of +hit to counter this, Yang does not).
-“Frenzy” is now 6 hits to all enemies instead of 5 hits to 4 random targets (power per hit unchanged, energy cost lowered to 75 to fit new standards).
-“Bahamut” animation shifted up and to the left.
-“Don’t Blink” animation changed from the one used for Quad Slash to the one used for Fenrir Prime’s normal attacks…same number of frames…more spectacular.
-“Juggle (Sarah)” is now single target instead of all enemies (without the battle engine plugin, all enemies wouldn’t require a confirm for the target is why it was like like).
—“Detonate” has also been changed to single target.
-“Aim” animation changed.
-Modifier for “Port Chop” lowered from 1250 per hit to 750 per hit (1500 total)…because it should take both hits to kill an Alpha (they have 5k and it was doing ~5.5k per hit, should be ~3.3k each hit now).
-“Raging Blade” added to Fencer skills (3 hits @ 100 each to all enemies)
-“Mortar” now requires 25 energy instead of 10, but has a 300 mod instead of 80.
-All skills damage modifiers re-examined for balancing…some notable mentions:
—Overwhelm, Nirvana Strike, Shadow Strike and Blitz reduced from 250 to 225 mod per hit (from 1500 to 1350 total)…this remains above the standard of 1250 for 100 energy skills as these skills are supposed to overpower any defensive measures.
—RPG mod raised from 50 to 60 (should do 48k vs Goliaths instead of 40k…Paladins’ dust defense lowered some to reduce the change on them…and to increase the damage from other sources).
—Candi’s “Candi Striper” and Null’s “Don’t Blink” now require 75 energy instead of 50 (rather than lower their damage output by ~25% to match the 50 energy standard).
—Hyper Sweep mod raised from 500 to 600 and energy cost lowered from 100 to 75 (as strong a skill as it was…it really should have been a 750 mod for that 100 energy).
—All of Pearl’s fencing skills’ modifiers went up (I thought they were plenty strong before).
—“Et tu, plus one” changed to “Et Tu, Plus One” and modifier raised from 40 to 50 (pitiful 960 total up to the 1200 standard for 50 energy random targeted skills).
—Nora’s “Devastating Blow” lowered from 1500 mod to 1250 due to its 40% chance of knock down relative to “Hyper Crush“‘s 10% (which has the 1250 damage mod).
—Gravity Shot/Slug energy costs cut in half…though they still fall well short of other skills using the same amount of energy.

-“Lucy’s Claws” and “Wolverine” now have “Claw” and “Maul” instead of “Heavy Punch” and “Combo” (they’re identical other than names and animations).
—Also a totally new skill, “Taz-er”…25 energy, hits all enemies 4 times totaling a 300 modifier…not efficient at all, but diversifies claws vs knuckles functionality.
-“Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey” (Jade) trades “Triple Kick” (3 hits @ 225 mod each) for “Tornado Kick” (8 hits @ 100 mod each) and gains “Hurricane Kick” (4 hits @ 115 mod each, hits all enemies).
-“Ifrit” (Audry) can now fire “Grapeshot” (equivalent to “Buckshot” from a shotgun…more potent, but less accurate) and “Peashot” (kind of a “Buckshot”-all)…both are considered “steel” rather than “bullet” element, due to being larger and slower projectiles (also made of steel instead of lead).

-Yang Lv20 (Sarah’s lessons) will now use “Light Up” at end of turn if her HP is under 50%.
-Jaune (all levels) is now able to use “Power Slash” with use frequency of 4.
-The 2 claw using Haven students faced by Team SPAZ (Klaws and Rips…real creative, huh?) use the new “Claw” and “Maul” skills instead of the the grimm version of clawing and modified “Combo” (which was actually just renamed to make
-Jade can now use “Tornado Kick” in addition to “Combo” when the switch that allows it is on.
-Olivia can make use of candy cigarettes.

Details (did a couple play tests for the heck of it and made little changes as I went):
-A couple Autosave points added between the trailers ending and being launched into the Emerald Forest
-The “action button” triggered events in the Emerald Forest (where Sarah uses Amy’s blade to cut down a couple trees) now have a sparkle icon.
-The events at the dead end in Team SARA’s first Emerald Forest map you have to visit now have a sparkle icon…because it’s obviously a dead end long before you get to the events (same for Team CLEN’s second Emerald Forest map).
-Two words changed in Sarah’s story about her first home being destroyed to leave an opening for something I wanna add down the line.
-Amy will now attack twice when using “Attack” during her dream (normal version, not “Honor Among Thieves” version)…applied via state (not that that matters), just to speed things along a bit.
-Typo in “Team SPAZ vs the world” (“gaunlet” instead of “gauntlet”).
-In day 2 of Team SARA’s “Emerald Forest Redux”, the event that triggers when “Prof. Goodwitch?” drops under 60%HP will now run at end of turn instead of the instant she drops under 60%.
-Autosave point in the middle of the scene where Team WILD meets Olivia moved to the beginning of the next scene…because loading from there looks a little wacky.
-Prof. Port and Dr. Oobleck’s weapons how add 50 dust attack instead of 30 and have “Attack Times +1”.
-Prof. Ozpin now has +25% evasion.
-Pearl will now be immune to crictal hits while under the effects of Jade’s candy cigarettes (I got 1-shotted on the 1st turn by a critical Haduken…no fun if you don’t get to really try it out).
-Autosaves point added to the “Team SARA’s mission” series in volume 2.
—Similar points added for Team RKKT on the “Honor Among Thieves” story line.
-Sarah is now affected by a series of “Anger rising” states during the mission, which raise her attack and energy use.
-Peer and Reep now have customized models.
-Screen tinting during Audry’s dream/nightmare darkened from -120,-120,-120,0 to -160,-160,-160,0.
-Ashley will now have access to a special version of her semblance during her solo dream battle that lasts 10 turns instead of 3.
-Dialog changes in the “Honor Among Thieves” and “It’s A Huntresses Life for Me” versions of re-uniting with Olivia…the person that pulls Lola into the conversation in these versions knows she’s no longer Indra’s translator (as of recent scene additions).
-Olivia should be equipped with the Haduken skill and Candy Cigarettes…events placed to ensure this when she gets added to your party…and when entering the endgame area, just in case it missed it along the way.
-Movement trimmed in MANY scenes (diagonal moves in place of 90 degree corners)
-Organic movement (adding a few frames of varied “wait” to start when many people move at once) added to a few scenes.



Next up

Chiaki Nanami!

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!

Demonstration of the spells and their effects :)!


These are background sprites I've created for a game I'm working on at school ^w^ Click on the post to see how the sprites connect. You won't regret it! (personally, I think it's pretty heheh)

Drawn in Piskel using my mouse. Whaddya think?

Path of Kami, running around the shrine area

blender animation experimentation, getting the hang of things fast. arms, rig, & gun models by me ofc

A 1h30 painting, coffee break.

My twitter:

Hello my space friends! Now I added a space background to the ship. I love that space look but I still feel like stuff is missing. The lighting on the ship needs some improvements I think. Please tell me your opinion!