TS!UNDERSWAP [Undertale Fangame]
7 years ago

1 Year & Running

Hey, guys! I know it’s been a few days, but we’re now ready to show off some of our work.

Before that, though, I’d like to give a quick apology for how, during the course of development, we’ve barely shown anything of the game aside from mockup screenshots, art, music, and one old gameplay teaser.
We haven’t really wanted to spoil anything, since we really want to keep everything as a surprise for people who play the demo, and eventually the full game.

That being said, here’s a little bit of sprites we’ve worked on over the course of the game’s development:


First, of course, we have Temmie! Here, you can see a comparison of our newest sprites alongside our oldest sprites.
Rather than just making edits of the sprites from UNDERTALE, we decided to make brand new sprites from scratch in order to use less of Toby’s assets and to incorporate our own originality.


Right here, you can see separate sprites for Temmie’s body and some of their facial expressions. To animate Temmie’s “shaking” animation for their battle/dialogue sprite, we have the body and faces separate to make both shake individually.



As you can see, Asgore has gone through a LOT of changes over the course of the game’s development (newest on the left, oldest on the right). What you see below isn’t even the full extent of the numerous iterations Asgore has gone through —- we’re constantly editing each of our sprites to ensure that we improve upon any flaws, which can be seen through the vast improvements of Asgore’s sprites and his overall design.



This is only an ever-so-slight change, but here’s an instance of how the sprites for common random encounter enemies have changed. The original sprites for Froggit were simply a mirrored and touched up version of the UNDERTALE battle sprite and the same overworld sprite. The newest Froggit sprites are improved to give a more realistic shape for the battle sprite, as well as an overworld sprite made from scratch.



Not only has Papyrus gotten a brand-new sprite in order to stay away from using UNDERTALE’s, but he’s also gotten a brand new design!
This design in particular is inspired by an artist who goes by the name lead-namari, and can be found right here!


This started out as a joke and then it became canon. We’re not explaining what this is, just that it’s really goofy and will result in many shenanigans.


And then to end it all off, here’s some motivational text from Papyrus. I’m not really sure why we chose to reveal this in the update, but here you go!



Like every other character, Sans has also gotten a major update in terms of sprites. While his outfit is the same, as well as other components for his sprite, he has gotten a complete overhaul to his skull and facial features, as well as shading.


Here’s also an instance of the process by which we go through making sprites. In this example, it’s the steps of trying to make a sprite for Sans with his arms crossed, head diagonal, and snickering.


And then here’s Sans shrugging, because we wanted to include that for some reason.



We’re not going to reveal TOO much about Alphys and post-Sunnedout characters right now, mainly because we haven’t finalized everything in regards to what they’ll be like. However, here are some recent designs we’ve been working on for her!


Now, here we have the cycle of natural evolution taking place. Below, we can see Alphys slowly transforming from a fossilized dolphin shit thing with dorsal fins into a beautiful work of nature: a weeaboo lizard.



Like with Alphys, we’re not going to show too much of Undyne. However, what we will show off is this! On the left, you can see the most recent designs for Undyne. On the right, you can see the different iterations of sprites that have been made —- beginning as just edits from the UNDERTALE sprite, and moving on to becoming more original by incorporating different elements of sprites made by team members.


Here’s also her most recent battle sprite, as well as a few of her dialogue facial expressions!



We’ve also decided to make one of our most recent music tracks public! Not going to say what it’s for, but here’s the track regardless:

And… yeah. Sorry that we really didn’t post much for this little “reveal,” but we hope you’re all happy with what we did show!
And with that, the update is over. Keep in mind that ANYTHING is subject to change during the course of development, and so what you see here might be different from what’s in the eventual final product.
Have a good one, guys!

…Okay, I lied. Here’s the last thing we’ll show off.


And NOW the update is over! Again, thanks for being here with us for so long, guys. 17,000 followers is nothing to sneeze at, and we greatly appreciate each and every one of you for following our project.

  • Beethovenus



Next up

Progress Report - August 2023

Progress Report - June 2023

Dev Update - April 2024

UNDEREVENT 2023 (December 23rd @ 3:30 PM EST)

Progress Report - May 2023

Progress Report - October 2023

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0 Released

Dev Update - December 2023

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0: Starlight Isles Coming January 20 @ 3:30 PM EST

Progress Report - July 2023