Everyone please welcome our final newcomers Toasty (@Toastistor ) and Chicken (@Ch1ckenFR )! Here are their mechanics as well as the previously revealed Paren and Viktor.
Paren - She appears at the bottom left of the screen, telling you to search for a Beejoof plushie in a specific room. Find it quickly and click on it!
Viktor - A random camera button on both floors will have a sprite of him overlaying them. Viewing the cameras will cause him to slowly fade. If it gets bad enough, his virus spreads to nearby cameras. If there are enough fully infected cameras, he'll end your run.
Toasty - In the Laundry Room. When you see a warning on top of the camera's button, you must input the number on his screen with your keyboard. Do this enough and he'll relax. Fail and he'll get upset, cutting the power. When an outage occurs, he'll randomly appear at the left door. Shut it!
Chicken - He starts from the stairs or living room, progressing forward. Shine your light at the doorways if he gets too close to make him scurry away before he makes you lose your flashlight temporarily. Sometimes when you do this he'll morph into his true beast form. Locate him on the second floor and stare at him. Failing will get you killed.
All we'll show off for today. We are still working behind the scenes and while all the newcomers have now been revealed, there are still a few surprises left. Have a great day everyone!