Ultra Discord Night

3 months ago

4 years today was when Ultra Discord Night as a game started development. We wanted to celebrate by making and releasing a UDN documentary but we are post-poning it until the release of the 2.0 update.

So instead, we will reveal the square headed cat Paren (@parencolonthree) and the spooker specter Viktor (@firefuel )!

Happy Anniversary Ultra Discord Night!



Next up


See you all in 2024 😉


Evening joofers

Ramiz & Friends: Revisualized - Out Now!

Developed By: @GhostGamesX , @jnity , @BubyGamer11 , & many others!

10 years of Five Nights at Freddy's is insane to think about. This game has now been around for a whole decade, which sounds crazy. Since this is a Five Nights at Freddy's fangame, of COURSE we're gonna celebrate in some form!

Even gods fall, but they'll never die...

1000 followers! Thank you all so much! We have never thought the game would come this far. Genuinely so awesome. Here is a teaser as a reward. We'll see you all not too soon. June 26th :>.



Woah man