Star Story

9 years ago

15.08.01 - Monthly update

Current stat of the game

My monthly update on how things are now. Well, the base of the combat engine is now properly set up. However, all you can do in combat in my current version is shoot at the enemy, and reload your gun. The Enemy AI is not yet set up, so the enemies won’t move at the present time. However the hard part of the combat engine is now done. Now I can more on to adding more components to it, and then we can really get this show on the road, at last :)

You think I’m not working hard enough?

If you think I’m not working hard enough I’d like to show you this:

  • Of course my live worklog where I tell you about nearly every update I do, no matter how tiny.

  • And now also my github repository where most of the changes I do are updated live. One thing I need to note, if you make any modifications to that repository you’ll find them automatically removed as soon as I have another working session. This is only a carbon copy of the real stuff and my updater removes everything mercilessly, so it’s best you don’t make changes. I just posted all my crap there, to make you see what I’m doing (and probably also how I’m doing it. If you think you can learn from my by looking in my code, go ahead).

Open alpha


My plan is to make the alpha open. These alpha versions will be uncomplete versions of the game. They will not be posted here on GameJolt, but you will be able to download them if you please and to play them if you please. Of course, a few notes about these downloads:

  • They are incomplete and as such bugs, crashes, errors, dungeons technically impossible to beat and other crap like that should be expected.

  • For security reasons, the GameJolt API will be disabled in these alpha downloads.

  • Some graphics in these downloads might still be placeholders

  • Also, you may enounter stuff or even playable content which may be removed in the final version.

  • These alpha versions will be updated very extremely frequently. So you may need to download frequently to stay up-to-date.

  • If you download the alpha version, you may report any bugs you think I don’t know about in my issue tracker (I’d even encourage that) :)

  • The way you’ll need to download and install the alpha builds may require you to know a thing or two about file systems. You don’t need to be a pro, but you will need to know more than the average user.

  • Of course, nothing should keep you from just waiting until a stable release comes here on GameJolt. The planning to release a (stable) demo halfway the production and the final version when the development is done, is still up and going. :)

I do not know yet when these open alphas will be downloadable, but I will announce it here as soon as they are. My first aim is to finish the Yaqira dungeon and then to make the first alpha release.
I’m planning to make a YouTube video of the Yaqirpa as soon as I finished the place, so if you are not into alpha versions you have at least that to get a general impression. :)


I’m pretty much on schedule, and I hope to make great progress pretty soon. I’m on the move.

Stay tuned. ;)



Next up

Current situation on TFT REVAMPED

A few facts and fables about fire.

Killing only brings you so far!

BallPlay future

Beta has been released

Technobabble and a screenshot for #screenshotsaturday

Open alpha available on

A demonstration video of the new game the way it's now
