Star Story
9 years ago

15.10.01 - Monthly update

Hello there boys and girls.

Here’s another update from space.


A lot of work has been done, however I still got a lot to do. Now I won’t bother ya with all the technical coding details (for that read my live worklog), but I can sum up what I’ve done so far and what I still got to do before I can get into releasing the “Demo”.

I said it before, and I’ll say it again: Please, don’t misintepret the word “demo” as far as this game is concerned. Star Story is set up to be a free project, and even the full version will be free. The “demo” version is only an incomplete version that you guys can play to try out the game while I develop the rest of the game.

What I’ve done so far:

  • A nice setup for the combat system

  • Fully animated forms of Wendicka, Crystal and Briggs wearing their space uniforms, though they will only be wearing those during the first dungoen. (And I call tell you Briggs will leave the party permanently after that dungeon).

  • Set up the places where you will go in the Space Station Excalibur.

  • Fully animated forms of Wendicka and Crystal wearing their casual clothing after the first dungeon, though their “lying dead” forms have not yet been drawn (I currently use their uniformed versions as placeholders).

  • The next dungeons/missions/locations have been completely worked out:

    • The Yaquirpa (though a little not goes on that one, read further below in the ‘to do’ notes)

    • Excalibur

    • Secret area

    • Escape pod room

    • Grass Jungle part 1

I already see you wondering about “part 1”. The Grass Jungle is not such a huge dungeon, but the way it has been set up will be very demanding on your system, on both RAM and performance if I made it into one “big” map file. To make it less demanding on your system (like a good dev should do if he can), I chopped it up in 3 small dungeons, so don’t go sweating all away now). :)

Of course, let’s list up the stuff I still have to do before I can even THINK of releasing that demo.

  • Grass Jungle part 2 (duh) - I already set up the map for this, but it needs its finishing touches.

  • Grass Jungle part 3

  • The Dark Caves of Shilington (Secret dungeon. Working on that one now. Let’s see if you guys can find it).

  • The pub on the lost planet (this will be were Yirl joins the party).

  • Prison (this will be were Foxy joins the party).

  • Junkyard

  • The Hawk (this will be your ship in which you can explore the galaxy).

  • The system which allows you to use The Hawk to go every place you want to go (and that will basically be this game’s equivalent of the world map).

  • “Aurina” exchage service (this is the way to earn your credits which will serve as money).

  • Upgrade service for Crystal’s ARMS

  • Upgrade service for your other weapons and stuff

  • Status changes (yeah, hated by all RPG players, but still essential for the genre, sorry).

  • Adepting the Yaqirpa for a revisit (the way it was set up in the prologue will only lead to bugs in a revisit. The adepted version of the Yaqirpa is still the same, it only uses a different script file to prevent conflicts).

  • And apart from that I have these issues which must all be fixed before I release the demo. Wish me luck on that one (uuuurgh!)

Well, and that brings us up to date, I believe.
At least the game is taking shape now, and what I all listed here, looks like a lot of work (well, yeah, it actually is), but I have a lot of experience in creating RPGs now, and I know that things might go faster than this list implies.

I will post here again next month, and earlier when I got something important to note.
You can of course when you want to be kept up-to-date 24/7 follow the next things

Catch you later guys, as you can see, I got WORK to do :)



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