Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios

4 months ago

2018 Parody Character #6 - Tangled (Created on: January 9th to 10th of 2024) It's been nearly years on end, and we're finally going to be talking about the very first hand-made parody mascot of Jax Justun Studios!!!

Jaxx Justun Studios Chronicle #6

Episode Six: Tangled

Chapter Six: (All Tangled-Up Here, Help!!!)

(Officially ALL Created on: October 29th, 2024 - October 30th, 2024)

All parody-fied and hand-made from the legendary and owner of Jax Justun Studios Nave Jonnson, meet none other then the official #6thParodyCharacter himself!!!! And by the way, let's also not forget about that he was kind of gotten a tortured up a bit since his arrival back on September 13th, 1987!!!!! And that first hand-made and #6thParodyCharacter kind of mascot's none other then "The Tangle Snake-Horn"!!! As it was first coded-name back when he was in his first parody hand-made development phases way back on May 13th, 1934!!!!!

Umm?? Actually though, he did had an official and original name during the second moments or parts in his development phases!!! And his name was "Fialova Plum"!!!! Wait??? That's not right here......He's no PLUM!!!! What does Fialova even mean??? Huh?? It means some kind of a name of an official airport??? Better known as a graceful version of the Czech and Slovak surname Fiala, which means "violet"???? Okay then.......Oh, wait a minute here!!! His name was then changed to "Tangled"!!!! Named after Nave Jonnson's favorite book series called "The All Tangled Up"!!!!! Okay then, that's more weirder here!!!!


(Official Link to Tangled's Appearances)

(Tangled's First Official Appearance: **Such Classical Memories!!!**

(Tangled's Second Official Appearance:

Speaking of which, it appears that "Tangled" had like the weirdest development phases ever here with the people of Jax Justun Studios!!! I mean, it is not as weirder then the other parodies and their very own different development phases!!!! By the way, let's not forget he's also known as "SCP/Prisoner-TJ13"!!! Which is kind of a shorter SCP/Prisoner name as usual!!! HUH!!!! Tangled and the rest of parody mascots and parody cameo mascots of Jax Justun Studios each have their own parody details, stories, and personalities!!!!! Join us here and now, as we all explore everything about the wonder and positive parodies and worlds among the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!! A parody-like ARG kind of series as we all explore the parody secrets and histories about the sixth parody mascot of Jax Justun Studios known as "Tangled"!!!! The very first hand-made parody mascot created by Nave Jonnson, the owner and creator of Jax Justun Studios!!!!


(Official Link to Tangled's Parody Bio Poster:

(Official Link to Tangled's JJS Depiction Thingy:


It was a dark and also calm stormy night on May 13th, 1934, and our beloved Nave Jonnson has something in mind of doing!!! Creating his very own parody mascot!!! But with all hand-made kind of materials!!!! He called it as "The Tangle Snake-Horn", an actual hero kind of parody mascot that's based around saving people's lives, learning how to become positive and kind people, and of course, becoming a much better and successful parody mascot of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! But of course, since all of the other parody mascots were of course, out and about or whatever, it'll of course, takes some many days on end to create Nave Jonnson's very own parody hand-made known as The Tangle Snake-Horn!!!! And of course, there were lots of incidents and accidents with all of the other parody mascots since Tangled was still in the making of things!!! I mean, The Tangle Snake-Horn!!!!!


But now of course, fast forward nearly like 53 years later, after years of hand-made-like development, September 13th, 1987, just a month before "The Parody Chaos of October 1987" had occurred, Tangled, better known as The Tangle Snake-Horn, was officially born out of existence!!! People had told Nave Jonnson that he'd done an amazing and fantastic job from creating and designing his very own and first ever hand-made parody mascot!!!!! However though, people didn't like that Tangled was originally named as The Tangle Snake-Horn, because it sound ridiculous and it didn't really suit in pretty well with the other parody mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!!! Thankfully though, around a year later, roughly around on April 23rd, 1988, Tangled's original name was then changed to "Fialova Plum", named after one of Nave Jonnson's ancestors, known as "Fia Lova' Plum", the #122ndGreatGrandFather who created the first and ever Cloud Keeper known as "LES"!!!! Sounds familiar huh????


Well, more on all of that later, anyways, for a while now, the name Fialova Plum was not only a bit hard to pronounce on, but it was also kind of a bit strange to called Tangled originally as some sort of airport????? Okay, I guess we're now on to the weird stuff!!! Anyways, a month after events of The Parody Chaos of October 1987 was finally taking care of (YES!!! That event was still happening around a year later and everything!!!), on November 2nd, 1988, his name was of course, then changed to officially as "Tangled", named after of course one of Nave Jonnson's most favorite book series called "The All Tangled Up"!!!!! Written and produced by "Bangled Roffmen", one of the official creators behind with many other parody hand-made mascots with from the helps from Jax Justun Studios of course!!!! And the rest was history!!! Speaking of which, since the 1990s had came around the corners, Tangled, better known as now also "SCP/Prisoner-TJ13", was having a few mishaps and a few disagreements with the other parody mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!!!

Around on January 1st, 1990, roughly around on New Year's Day of 1990, Mr. Glumpty Plant had put Tangled for no reason inside of a dumpster at the back lobbies of Jax Justun Studios around at 6:40 AM!!!! No one at Jax Justun Studios had no reason why that he'd done that!!! That all aside though, didn't we forget to mentioned that Tangled had also had his very own official merch, marketing, and commercials!!! Including action figures, plushies, hats, and of course, food products and school supplies too!!!! However though, around that time though, roughly around on June 21st, 1991, people had been seeing some strange sightings of Tangled and his official parody merch all over forests, open areas of dirt, and of course, some random places all over the streets!!! Which apparently they're mostly just like rituals of some kind!!!! Some with strange plushies heads forming in a circle, some were stuffed in bags in piles of three to nearly seventeen in caves, some were just clothing all floating inside one massive clustered piles on oceans and lakes, and some were kind of strange!!!!

Like including one that was all Christmas themed from December 22nd, 1991, with a picture or drawing of all parody mascots of Jax Justun Studios, but with Tangled (including both LES and Mr. Eyesaur) with crossed eyes and red painted scars all over himself witch was really far away in the background!!!! And then another one on October 12th, 1992, but with a Tangled plushie inside of an empty and cleared plastic/glass jar!!!! And finally on November 27th, 1994, with a Tangled action figure hanging.........Umm??? Yeah, you get the pictures!!! No pun intended as well too!!!! Since then, this controversy about them strange parody rituals of all Tangled's official parody merch had been spreading like crazy here!!!! And because of that, Tangled had to be stayed with Nave Jonnson inside of his official!!!!! Alongside with some other hand-made parody mascots of his very own as well too!!!!


Since then (I am getting tired of saying that at the start of each paragraph here), all of this stuff was still unknown parody history to this day alone!!!! Until around on August of 2007 that is!!!!!! August 1st, 2007 was when people had been developing Tangled for the first time ever during the earliest development days of Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!! And the first early model/design of Tangled was this!!!!


Created back on August 2nd, 2007, this was the earliest concept parody designs/models for Tangled!!!!! Which would then technically become the official parody model/design for Handled, Tangled's father and part of the recalled parody mascots/characters of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!! This was scrapped because it looked to ghostly human-like, had many modeling errors and looked way too much like an official unused parody model of a parody mall keeper!!! Which of course, that's what Handled was at the time during HIS early development stages with Haxx Hustun Studios!!! More on all of that stuff for next time!!!!!


Then many years later, on July 27th, 2012, Tangled's parody designs and models were then changed into the one, that would then become Mangled's official parody models and designs!!! Which are for both from Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science of course!!!!!! Speaking of both Napature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios, this second official parody model/design of Tangled was scrapped because of course, that was LITTERALLY the one that was OFFICIALLY created from both Napature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios themselves!!!!! Let's not get into more parody details and depts into more on all of that here!!!!! But then of course, there were THREE more redesigns and models for Tangled here!!!!


But two of those designs/models were purchase from Draxx Dustun Studios, and the other one was for a use for another time!!!! But then on December 21st, 2017, Tangled was changed once again!!!!! But in a different design!!!! He had a gray head, a pink-colored snaked body, and had an ACTUAL gun for his hand!!!!! This was of course scrapped completely because it looked to violent to look at, did not fit very well with the storylines and everything, and Tangled wasn't all happy and friendly!!!! But finally, a year later, roughly on July 11th, 2018, Tangled's final redesigns were once again changed into the one that we'd all know and love today!!!!


And his final design here looks way more better then the past six old designs and models that he had over the years!!!!! The way how he got this final and seventh redesign here was from an official marketing movie poster based on the upcoming pilot for Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios of season one!!!!

(Here's the official Link to Tangled's Official Parody Movie Poster:

Man!!! See everybody!!! I'd told you all that Tangled had a weird and strange development cycle here!!!!! As for me with Tangled here, yeah, this was yet another parody mascot that I was mostly proud of here!!!!!


From looking at this very oldest version of the Banner Poster Shrine of Jax Justun Studios that I'd made nine whole months ago, he fits in so well with all of the parody characters and parody cameo characters of Jax Justun Studios!!!! But of course, it wasn't all like this here!!!! So yeah, probably around since the 2020s of my freshman years of high school, I'd first began creating Tangled for the first time ever!!! But, due to what was happening around those moments of time, I'd of course, completely forgotten about it!!!!!


Yeah, same as usual folks!!!! Unlike with all of my other parody characters of Jax Justun Studios from Series One of 2018 and beyond that!!!!!! Until around between the 2022s and 2023s, that I'd FINALLY gotten the chances to resume my processes of creating Tangled's old designs on paper during my breaktimes in my art classes!!!! But sadly though, for no reason whatsoever here, I'd officially and completely lost the original old models and designs of Tangled all on paper!!!! Which, kind of makes sense here because you all know how that came out!!!! Tangled had originally had gray-like head, his snake-like body was originally all PINK, he had brown shoes (which we'd forgotten on that part during Tangled's weird and strange development cycles and everything), and he'd also officially had an ACTUAL GUN for his hand!!!!!! Which once again here, wasn't all kid friendly here!!!!! Which thankfully, once again, of course I had to misplaced that and everything!!!

But then, a few years later, Tangled's now better then ever!!! And also more child friendly like here!!!! So like before with all of my other parody mascots from Jax Justun Studios, I'd of course used both and from creating both of Tangled's body and head, then of course, creating a few extras screenshots and images to turn them into PNGs, and finally combining all of them to finish up the final touches all on Google Drawings!!!!! And look at this, he's more better then ever before!!!!


All created from January 9th to 10th of 2024, our beloved and positive #6thParodyMascot of Jax Justun Studios here has now golden boots/shows, two hands that are a glove and a metaled coppered hand, brown lined hair, slivered-gray scales and plates on his back and tail, his body's of course all purple-ish and blue, his head's now yellow and shaped like a horn, and of course, he has now a CAPE!!!! And of course, not only that, Tangled's the third parody mascot that was not all made out of entirely black!!!!! MAN!!! What a journey here!!! Tangled was arguably my second most favorite parody mascot that I'd ever by far folks!!!!!

This was also the best episode/chapter that I'd ever made so far for the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series you guys!!!!! Again, it was kind of long, but it was super duper worth it at the very end here folks!!! So yeah folks, that was the end for the entire history, past, and behind the scenes about Tangled, the very first hand-made parody mascot/character of Jax Justun Studios!!!!! This was of course, the final post for tonight/today because of course once again, Halloween's tomorrow!!! And Draxx Dustun Studios will eventually release their first future parody mascot horror game and its official game page around that time hopefully!!! Anyways folks, we'll see you all in the next one!!! Be safe, have a wonderful and relaxing goodnight sleep, and Happy Halloween!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #TangledsBestParodyMascotEVER!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!! #HappyHalloweenOf2024YouGuys!!!!!!!!

-End of The #6thJJSChronicle!!!!

(Stay tuned for the next future parody Episode/Chapter of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!! Where all of the Parody Secrets, Details, and Histories of all Parody Characters & Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios will be revealed next in the nearest future!!!! See you all next time and keep on Parody-ing!!!)

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