Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Adventures in High School in: Rise of Lord Admin Within the Depts of Jax Justun Studios

1 month ago

2019 Parody Character #15 - Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) (Created on: Feb. 6th, 2024) We here at Jax Justun Studios had shown off a quite of a ton of parody mascots here over these past months or so!!!!! Look how far we'd come by the way here!?!?!?!??!!!!!

Jaxx Justun Studios Chronicle #13

Episode Thirteen: Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)

Chapter Thirteen: (Knives Two Meet Clues!!! Catch Me Outside and How About That???)

(Officially ALL Originally Created on: December 22nd, 2024 - December 26th, 2024)


Official Links to Where the discoveries of the #3rdMallKeeper of Jax Justun Studios were seen!!!!

(Official Link to Mr. Cheffinton's First Appearance: **Alongside with a few Parody Bonus Contents!!!**

(Official Link to Mr. Sheffinton's Second Appearance:

From seeing the first parody mascot come to life, from seeing the official parody stories, massacres, and backstories about each parody mascot, the behind the scenes and changes of their official and parody appearances, and of course, the official line-ups of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles series!!!!! And as from creating this #13thJJSchronicles episode/chapter here folks, 2024's almost over!!!!! And because of that, we have to talk about Jax Justun Studios final and official #3rdMallKeeper/#15ParodyMascot from the second series from 2019 of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!! Created back on October 17th, 1994, arguably one of the most dangerous and the most worst parody mascot of all time and that had also ever existed here!!!!! Let's also not forget that he's also a friend of Mr. Stappular and Mr. Sewing Machine, the second and first Mall Keepers from Jax Justun Studios!!!!!! And that name of that #3rdAndFINALmallKeeper of mass parody destruction is/WAS none other then the "Cheffingbot Version 1.0"!!!! As it was first code-named when it first being built around on April 23rd, 1976!!!!!! But, it then gotten an official name until the 1994s!!!!!

It was none other then "Mr. Jiant CLasterED"!!!!! Wait a minute here???? That's not right!!!! He shoots out knives, so his name should be "Mr. Knifestermenn"!!!!! Umm??? That was almost correct!!!! That would've been a good name for this guy here!!!! Wasn't it "Mr. Am.I.Right (AmIRight)"!!!!?!?!?!!!!! Wait??? That was actually one of the official names for one of the official Legacy Parodies, that would then become the official brother of this thing right here???? WOW!!! Actually, the official name of this Mall Keeper is none other then "Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)"!!!!!! Which, by the way, he was also known to be as "Mr. Sheffinton" or/and "Mr. Cheffinton"????? WOW!!!! Interesting parody history right there folks!!!! MAN!!! You all have no idea how long we waited this far to talk about this throwing Knife Mall Keeper of parody mass destruction here folks!!!! After nearly a dozens of episodes/chapters of waiting, we're finally going to talk about one of the most ambitious and most criticized parody mascot of all time!!!! And let me tell you guys, creating a Mall Keeper called Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton), and having from getting/giving the parody magics to throw literal and actual knives from his hands was definitely not the best idea ever created!!!!! But here we are folks, talking about Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) now!!!!!

So, let us begin!!! Right after the introductions of course!!!! Instead of hearing us typing out words in random sentences for some horrible running gags of some sorts here!!! Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) (or whatever you guys want to prefer naming him here), and the rest of parody mascots and parody cameo mascots of Jax Justun Studios have each of their very own parody details, stories, and personalities!!!!! And that's how it makes Jax Justun Studios all positively unique here inside!!!!! Join us now and here, as we all explore everything about the wonder and positive parodies and worlds among the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!! A parody-like ARG kind of series as we all explore the parody secrets and histories about the thirteenth or the #15th parody mascot and the third Mall Keeper of Jax Justun Studios known as "Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)"!!!! A parody mascot (and of course another Mall Keeper) that once again, had sadly faded away way too soon from popularity and famous times!!!! Which technically, even if he was made in the 1994s, he'd still already became the most dangerous parody of all time here!!!!



The Official Links to Mr. Sheffinton's (Cheffinton's) Official Parody Bio Poster and JJS Parody Depiction!!!!!

(Official Link to Mr. Cheffinton's Cartoon Parody Bio Poster:

(Official Link to Mr. Sheffinton's JJS Character Depiction:

But before he'd become the most dangerous parody mascot/Mall Keeper of all time, we must go back many years beforehand!!!!! It was a dusky and a positive morning around 12:40 AM, on April 23rd, 1976, and a fellow engineer, designer, and technician known as "Zendrey Chefingtron Georgia" was creating an official parody mascot, that would become the next parody generation for Jax Justun Studios!!! He called it as the "Cheffingbot Version 1.0", a parody-like robot that can not only shoot out knives from one of his hands, but also known to be a master at cooking and creating lots of dishes!!!! Let us also not forget that it or he also runs super fast as well too!!!! Rush hours don't lie from parody mascots and parody cameo mascots I guess!!!!!! The Cheffingbot Version 1.0 was becoming the most successful parody mascot, that it had his very own family of Cheffingbots!!!!! From one that was his girlfriend, another one that was pencil and would become one of his brothers, another one becoming his very oldest brothers, and another one that would become his other sister and also become one of the hand-made parodies from Nave Jonnson himself!!! More on all of that later on!!!!!!

Then many years later, roughly around on September 29th, 1983, Zendrey Chefingtron Georgia would then take his parody mascot and show it towards the entire world to see it and how it does its works!!!! The Cheffingbot Version 1.0 was becoming an amazing side-parody attraction towards everybody!!! Some being official parody designers and creators from Jax Justun Studios!!!! During at a convention center filled with mascots and everything, the Cheffingbot Version 1.0's owner was gifted an official present and a letter from one of the people from Jax Justun Studios and it said that they wanted him and his Cheffingbot Version 1.0 to become the next parody mascot of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!! So around on the next year, on January 4th, 1984, Zendrey Chefingtron Georgia had set off with his parody mascot creation inside of his hand-made parody car and heading their ways towards the official parody company known as Jax Justun Studios!!!! Along for the ride, he'd also took his son, known as "Jeorgey Chefingtron Georgia", which he would become the official long-time voice actor (I think) for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!! See the official parody connections right here??? GREAT!!!!

Everything was running amazingly smoothly, until March 20th, 1984, everything would changed for the worst!!!! When Zendrey Chefingtron Georgia and both of his son and creation had finally arrived at Jax Justun Studios, Zendrey Chefingtron Georgia himself would then got an emergency call from his daughter, "Heenalyn Chefingtron Georgia"!!!! She'd called his farther, Zendrey Chefingtron Georgia that her mother "Misstrestime Chefingtron Georgia" had sadly passed away from a parody critical accident/incident!!!!! More on all of that stuff later on!!!! Zendrey Chefingtron Georgia had decided to let his son take over his place when he'd dealing with his wife's death!!!! So, Jeorgey Chefingtron Georgia was then gifted the task from helping his very own parody creation to becoming the next parody mascot of Jax Justun Studios in the nearest future!!!!! Since many years had past, Jax Justun Studios was having a few minor setbacks from their other parody mascots and parody cameo mascots!!!! Since then, Jeorgey Chefingtron Georgia was sadly now all by himself, but never gave up on his father's future parody legacy traits!!!! It wasn't until October 17th, 1994, everything would then change forever!!!!


The name of that third Mall Keeper would then be renamed as none other then "Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)", a name that was based on the official ancestors of Jeorgey Chefingtron Georgia's entire family tree!!!! He would also name his father's parody creation/mascot as "Mr. Sheffinton" or "Mr. Cheffinton" because both of those names kind of sound the same almost!!!! Look, it's of course, confusing, but that's how he would sometimes call him and everything!!!! The way how the name Mr. Cheffinton had came into place was from an official spelling error/typo, like instead of saying the word Sheffinton, they would just also say it with a "C" at the start of the pronunciation, instead of an "S"!!!! Again, it's of course, confusing, but definitely worth it at the very end!!!!! Then on October 20th, 1994, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) would become the third and FINAL Mall Keeper generation for Jax Justun Studios!!!!! He would then also become the next new parody generation of parody mall mascot technology!!!! Around in 1995, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was becoming a massive success around all malls in the entire world!!!! Ranging from official parody merch, parody toys, parody shows (no movies), and many other parody marketing things!!!! Mostly being posters, ad signs, commercials, TV bumpers, and magazines!!!!

Then around of course, on 1996, he would then become the official tour guide among how malls are being used for people to buy things!!!!! Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had also been designed to be a master of cooking and creating lots of food plates or meals!!!!! The very most ones being chili and rice, French fries and burgers, smoothies, juices, sodas, and of course, our all time favorite dish, SPAGHETTI!!!!!! Speaking of Spaghetti, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had even appeared mostly around ads, pop-ups, and commercials based around things that deals with noodles, such as spaghetti!!!!! What's with Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) in spaghetti????? I have no idea!!! But when 1997 had it, things had become very more strange about Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!! On March 16th, 1997, at a carnival called "Marcainia Veinhights Fair", (opened since November 12th, 1922), while everybody was having an amazing fun times in their lives, at about 11:00 AM, a strange figure called Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had escape from his enclosure and started to caused some major parody havoc all over the carnival!!!! The way how he got there so fast was when he was moving his feet like 700 to 9,000 kms an hour, while running in the middle of the roads and streets!!! While doing that the streets and roads that Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was running on had sadly done many car accidents and critical damages among many cities, neighborhoods, and massive street roads!!!! They way how Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was doing was still currently unknown, and Jax Justun Studios had started to hunt down their official and now infamous third Mall Keeper!!!!!

It was now 12:37 PM at the carnival, and Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was hiding in plain sight so he'll never be seen by any security guards, police, or any other by standards!!!! After the carnival's first morning concert, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) would then hide in the middle of the carnival's haunted house, and started to plant four landmines on four separate areas!!!!! The way how he got those four landmines (plus a grenade and two pipe bombs) was when Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had seen an army van right next to a military-like house and started to use them to create his very first parody massacre!!!! It appears that Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was born during a very dark time, right before he'd become part of his official parody-like form!!!!! Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had placed the first landmine in the middle of the haunted house, then the second one behind the stage, the third one on the bridge, and the final one at the very bottom of the Ferris Wheel!!!!! He'd then placed the first pipe bomb in the middle of a pile of old and abandoned (and still active) gas canasters and place the second and final one in the middle of the carnival itself!!!! After when the time hit at 1:30 PM, he'd then started to set off all of the landmines and pipe bombs all over the carnival!!!! Then a few minutes later, at around 1:46 PM, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had then thrown the grenade in the middle of the statue of the carnival!!!!!


The giant statue of the owner of Marcainia Veinhights Fair known as "Marcainia Veinhights" had collapse and killed nearly 14 people, and the landmines and pipe bombs that Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had set off had killed nearly 44 people beforehand!!!! The remaining injured and almost killed survivors had survived and left the carnival, all but three!!!! A family of a dad named "Saibot Krwernmann", a mom named "Ardnassac Krwernmann", and a 14 year old daughter named "Vaitelynn Krwernmann"!!!! A family that was born during a really REALLY dark time during the parody massacre of Mr. Troublemaker from Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! More of that parody massacre story for later on!!!!! While the Krwernmann family was looking for place to exit out of the carnival, they'd spotted Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) himself, and they'd started to run in different directions!!!!! Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had first attacked Mr. Krwernmann and stabbed his right or left eye while he'd thrown one of his knife hands towards him!!!! But would then Mr. Krwernmann survived from his brutal injuries!!!! Then a few seconds later, he'd then attacked Mrs. Krwernmann and pinned herself onto one of the targets on the darts board game!!!!! Thankfully, she'd of course, survived her critical injuries!!!!! As for Vaitelynn Krwernmann, well, it is a very much of a tragic end......Well, almost!!!!! Vaitelynn Krwernmann had nearly drowned himself in the wrecked lake around the wrecked statue and made it because she will think that Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) would just drown herself!!!! After her mother had escape from her darted trap, she'd called out Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and made her daughter escape from her almost drowned death!!!!

However though, since there's a few spoilers ahead here, we here at Jax Justun Studios had decided to save the rest of that story for next time in the nearest future!!!! Let's move on towards May 12th, 1999, a few years after the first parody massacre of Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and focus on something very more dark and sinister here!!!!! It was a very dark and very busy night at a bar called "Billy's Brig Bar", opened since December 12th, 1922, the manager of "Dillick Darksoone" was bust cleaning up for the night, when he'd saw something in the darkness!!!! But he'd thought he was just seeing DIDGITAL HILLUSIATIONS, but it was all real from here!!!!! Out of complete nowhere, the manager of the bar was of course, has been attacked by none other then Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton), and started to do some critical things on him!!!!! Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had first stabbed his right hand with his knives, then bashed his head onto the cabinet structure, and finally, finished him up ALMOST after putting him inside into the deep fryer!!!!! It was unknown if Dillick had survived from his brutal injuries, but that's for next time!!!!!! But after days on end, we're finally moving onto the final part of the massive parody massacre that had happened on December 1st, 2007, at a shopping mall called "Jayworks Shopping Mall", and it was arguably one of the worst and most dangerous parody massacres of all time ever!!!!!!!!!

After a few years had past, after the second parody massacre from Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) that he'd made back in the 1999s, it was now the first day of #DecemberOf2007, and it was closing time at the Jayworks Shopping Mall!!!!!!! While the mall was closing for tonight, they'd didn't realized that three strange Mall Keepers were ready to create of their biggest and most craziest parody massacres of all time!!!! While Mr. Sewing Machine and Mr. Stappular were out busy creating their very own parts of their parody nonsense, their third and most bestest friend, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was in the middle of creating a massive fire in the middle of the shopping mall!!!!!! He didn't realized that there were ten to a dozen of security guards around that place!!!! As soon Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had super speedy at them, the twelve guards were already screaming in fear, one by one, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had killed almost all of the twelve security guards!!!!! All gotten stabbed from one knife hand to another!!!!! Only two of the twelve security guards had survived!!!! It's unknown if they'd survived the aftermaths of their injuries!!!!! After all of that parody fun as over, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had set everything to max overdrive and head off far away too see the Michael Bay explosion in action!!!!! After the three Mall Keepers had escape their parody killing and stuff, they'd finally seen the explosion in action that Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had created!!!!!


And at 11:40 PM, the entire Jayworks Shopping Mall was all up in flames!!!! And the entire shopping mall was now in all of a mess of mass destruction and slaughtered-ness!!!! And on December 1st, 2007, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and his best friends Mr. Sewing Machine and Mr. Stappular had created one of the most massive and most darkest parody massacres of all time!!!!! It was none other then "The Mall Keepers that Slaughtered"!!!! But, Mr. Sheffinton's (Cheffinton's) parody massacre days aren't even over just yet though!!!! A few years had past, and it was now December 26th, 2010!!!!! During a news interview at a local news report station, many sightings of a strange parody figure known as which was Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton), originally named as the "Parody Black Knife Tree" was being spotted walking around in a snowy forest!!!!! Many cameras had spotted Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and he was attacking, killing, and then eating many wildlife around!!! From bears, fishes, bats, bugs, and of course, birds!!!! Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and his parody programs were all based on creating and cooking many kinds of food dishes!!!! Apparently, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was making those things out of dead animal's skin/flesh, bones, and of course, origins!!!!

The most things that Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was eating were the hearts of dead animals!!!! It represents the days that he'd witness his parents died during a fight with his oldest brother and sister from a very long time ago!!!!!!! After 30 to 75 minutes of resting, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had then went off full speed and started to do more and more parody massacres over the next years in the 2010s decade!!!!!! Around in June 4th, 2011, a fire had spread across over an apartment building which was created from Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!!!! Luckily though, it didn't spread all that much and no one was killed from that fire!!!! Then a few years later, on September 9th, 2015, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) would then speed his ways towards a public church and would started to make his parody massacre attacks!!!! Nearly killing about 13 to 24 people!!! Ranging the ages from 30 through 60 years old!!!! The people from that church alone with younger-ish ages would then survived!!!!! Then in June 29th, 2016, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) would then sneak himself into a concert inside of the "Blacklock Stars Colosseum"!!!!! While the rockstars and singers were busy giving out autographs from their fans, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was busy at the back of the stages killing many of the security guards all over the insides and outsides of the colosseum!!!!!! All guards were all killed, luckily, the fans, rockstars, bandmates, and singers had all survived!!!! That was because the alarm was set off from Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton), so he could speed his way towards what may his final parody massacre day!!!!!

It was now, May 17th, 2017, it was graduation day for the seniors of "Fallentime High School"!!!! For years now, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had never been to graduation days for a very long time now!!! He has been to carnivals, cities, homes, and bars!!! But never in many decades, he hasn't wrecked only one day of graduation alone!!!!! At the front gates of the high school, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had killed all four guards at the front gates and started to begin his final parody attacks!!!!!! When it FINALLY reached 11:40 AM, the start of graduation in the cafeteria, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had already started to slice one massive gas tank from another and started to create explosions all over the high school campus!!!!! This would then lead to everybody in the gym to evacuate, but during the worst time ever!!!! After everybody had escape the gym at the back exit doors, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) would then dropped out of the sky, then dunk the liquid gas all over the seniors, and started to spark out fires from using his sharp knife fingers to create a massive grease fire!!!!! After all of that, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) would then speed his ways out of the fire darkness and would never to be seen ever again!!!!! Since then, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) would then become one of the most dangerous and the most worst parody mascot of all time!!!!!


After a few days of time, on May 25th, 2017, after years on end, all official marketing and promotional parody materials and merch for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) were all finally removed from all store's shelves entirely, all parody shows and movies were all canceled, and Jax Justun Studios would eventually removed Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) from their official Mall Keepers parody line-up forever!!!!! But damage already done, only a few things are definitely certain!!!!! Your malls would never be the same with Mall Keepers and your families and friends are no longer safe from Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and the other parody mascots and parody cameo mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!!! Anyways, before since September 14th, 2005, our official and good for nothing #15thParodyMascot was officially first named as "Mr. Jiant CLasterED"!!!!! The official placeholder name for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!!! In 2005, the original parody models and designs were actually kind of interesting here for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!! And yes, most of them were involve having knives used for weapons and/or for body parts!!!! And all of those old and original parody designs for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) were actually all spooky trees!!!!! But as for their final ones created years and years later around on February 13th, 2009, they were a bit more different!!!!!!! As for the placeholder name and tree designs/models for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) though, they were eventually been scrapped for good and were given for use with another parody-like company!!!!!

The name would then be changed to "Mr. Am.I.Right (AmIRight)", the official and now used named for one of the brothers for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!!! Speaking of which, here's the first and original parody model/design for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!!!! He was actually and originally going to be some kind of robotic pencil here!!!!!


Arguably one of the best and official OC parody models that Jax Justun Studios could ever created!!!!! However though, this model here got scrapped because it looked so colorful and it doesn't really fit in super well with the tones of dark and destruction here!!!! The name Mr. Am.I.Right (AmIRight) was also scrapped as well too!!! And it was officially replaced by this name as "Mr. Knifestermenn"!!!!!! Speaking of Mr. Am.I.Right (AmIRight) right here, this first and official scrapped model would then be created for the official brother known as Mr. Am.I.Right (AmIRight) until October of 2021!!!!! But more on that later!!!!!!!


Many years later though, roughly on October 23rd, 2014, the second official remodel for Mr. Knifestermenn would then become into the official parody designs and models into the official parody mascot that we'd all know and love today!!!!!! Apparently though, there were a few other original parody models for Mr. Knifestermenn, but they were then used for the other family members until around in the 2022s!!!!! The way how Mr. Knifestermenn got into here was when Nave Jonnson and his fellow animators wanted to create a parody character that could shoot out knives and Mr. Knifestermenn was obsession here!!!! Sadly though, after a few years, the name Mr. Knifestermenn wasn't really fitting in so welly with the other parody characters, so the name Mr. Knifestermenn was then replaced by "Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)" around on October 12th, 2018!!!!!!


The reason why that the name Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was created because some parody genius had accidently named it as Mr. Sheffinton instead of Mr. Cheffinton!!!!! But instead, they'd called him as of course Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton), and the rest was history!!!! Sadly though, as for the scrapped scripts, all of them had all gotten corrupted over the past years and were never to been seen ever again!!!! Thankfully though, only one had survived!!!!! According to this only survived script here for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton), it was originally going to have Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) living inside of a mall that he'd was hiding inside while living inside of a hand-made hut, made out of cardboards, barks of wood, and things from many stores all over the mall!!!! Then the remaining pages had said that Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was also known to be the only parody Mall Keeper that had survived the past parody massacres all over the rest of the world!!!! All of this didn't make sense because Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was of course, an immune parody character, and was a Mall Keeper that had seen the Real World for the first time ever around in 2019!!!!! Guess all of that explains why that this only remaining script for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) had survived in the first place!!!!

Apparently here, it was just a placeholder script which was actually for another parody mascot known as Lord Admin!!!!! And as for the other lost scripts, well, guess we'll never know here!!!!! But as for the one that we'd know and seen today, it was officially created for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!!!! Since then, Mr. Sheffinton's (Cheffinton's) parody character and personality traits would then change overtime!!!! From falling in love with a parody cameo character from Draxx Dustun Studios, meeting his long lost oldest brother from Draxx Dustun Studios, marrying his sister from Jax Justun Studios, and so much more!!!! But yeah, looks Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) here had really gotten so much stuff during his parody moments here in Jax Justun Studios!!!! Anyways, as for me with Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) here, you all have no ideas and clues on how I had spend so much times and efforts creating this amazing Mall Keeper here folks!!!!! Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was one of the most craziest parodies that I'd ever imagined and created here!!!! But of course, let's go back to where it all started here!!!!

First off, no!!!! I had no original drawings of Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) that I'd created during my old days in middle school!!!! But, I do have a few references about how I'd imagined Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!!! The first one comes from my days and moments during my home-ech classes!!!! During those days in that class, not only I was doing sewing creations, but I was also cooking as well too!!! From pancakes (which have apple sauce in it), and.....Actually, that was the only thing that I'd remembered cooking!!!!! All the other dishes that I'd made with my team mates were dishes that I was completely allergic too!!!!! Because I was cooking so much, I'd decided to imagined Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) as a robot cooker and also have one hand that was all made out of knives that he could shoot with!!!!! And yes, that was also the other part on why I'd created Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) in the first place!!!!! The final reference on how I'd made Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and the other Mall Keepers was when I was mostly visiting and eating at a mall called Pearlridge!!!!! If any of you guys live around my areas, that was one of my favorite malls that I'd use to grown up around!!!!!


There was Zippy's (one of my favorite places of all time), the movie theaters, McDonald's, a Hello Kitty store (which I really didn't went inside as much), and of course, the long time SEARS that was opened for nearly 75-ish years!!!!!! And of course, there's many other new and older stores that I also like/love to shop around as well!!!!! From Five Guys, Sapporo's Pizza, Rainbows Drive-in, MiniQ Anime, TJ MAXX, Macy's, and of course, my all time favorite stores, GameStop and Hot Topic!!!! And the list just goes on and on!!!!! There were even moments when giant bugs, dinosaurs, the Ice Age, the butterflies, and both the Easter Bunny and Santa had came during amazing and official events!!!! That were limited of course!!!! And if you all been growing up there, Pearlridge was originally all decked out with some old school 90s type stuff!!!! With signs, Christmas-like lights, and of course, a background filled with dark cities and lights!!! Which was basically a moral of some kind!!!! Because all of that was happening during my old lives here at this shopping mall, that was how I'd created Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and the other Mall Keepers from Jax Justun Studios!!!!! The words/term Mall Keeper was actually created from me around in 2019 by the way!!!!! Same goes for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and all of the other parody mascots and parody cameo mascots from Series Two of 2019!!!!!!


Speaking of 2019, that year was also when I'd created the first official drawing for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton), but since then, it wasn't all completed about a hundred percent!!!! Actually though, the started year when I created the almost finished drawing for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was actually created from February 27th, 2020, throughout until September 30th, 2022!!!!! During those three years alone, this is what's left of the official and almost completed drawing for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!!!! I mean, I was going somewhere for this stuff, but due to me focusing on high school and everything, I'd of course, stopped it completely!!!! And even since three years of drawing development here, this almost completed drawing of Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) hasn't really aged all that well here!!!!!!

But a few years later, around in the first days of #FebOf2024, I'd decided to redesign Mr. Sheffinton's (Cheffinton's) entire body all being created all on Google Drawings!!! Hours on end, it was not much of some nightmares to begin with, but as for the individual images for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) here, let us just go one by one!!! Shall we???


Here is the first part here for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton), which is his first hand!!!! I'd of course, made it as a glove because I just wanted to have Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) to have different hand personalities!!! One being just all made out of knives and one just plain old white gloved hand and everything!!! Not much here I guess!!!!



But then, here's the first version of the hat for Mr. Sheffinton's (Cheffinton's) head and everything!!!! It looks super nice and detailed and of course, I wanted to add in a few spikes to make him looks so dark and scary!!!! Earlier on though, I haven't had the chances to add in some more official details on his hat because I was really busy creating the entire body for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton)!!!!!!


And of course, let's not forget about the feet/shoes for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) here, and it kind of looks somewhat detailed here!!!! I was originally going to create a second version of the feet, but copying the pasting kind of speaks for itself!!! So yeah, the feet were also based on the shoes that some of the characters from Sausage Party were wearing during the scenes of the movies!!! So yeah, another reference from me!!! Thank you very much!!!!!


And of course, the body for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) as always, and my goodness, I don't know how many images that I'd had to make here, but here's one of the versions of it here!!!! The way how I made it like this was because since I was kind of obsessed with the characters from Sausage Party, I'd decided to create a similar model of it, but in robot form here!!!! And of course, I'd added in the black spikes and the robotic torso in the middle of the gray portion of Mr. Sheffinton's (Cheffinton's) body here!!!! And of course, the hat was then added on the top of Mr. Sheffinton's (Cheffinton's) head!!!!! But the hardest part was fitting in the face for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) inside of his entire body!!!! Because of all of that, I had to create multiple images to extend it because I needed lots of space for the eyes and mouth for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and everything!!!!!!!



So, here are the some of the almost final results here!!!! So yeah, turns out I had to stretch out Mr. Sheffinton's (Cheffinton's) body in order to fit all of his rest of his parody details and textures!!! And all of it were all created on Google Drawings!!!!! And you all may have seen a few differences here!!!! For once, more robotic pieces were created for his feet, arms, and hands!!!! Not only that, but his hat also gotten a few new updates textures as well too!!!! And of course, there are the eyelashes and eyes themselves here!!!!! Yeah!!! Apparently, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was yet another parody mascot that was kind of hard to design and everything!!!! But thankfully though, after minutes and hours on end with some minor errors and difficulties, on February 6th, 2024, the final parody results for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) were all finally in!!!!


And here he is!!!! From on massive hour to another one, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was finally been created!!!!! And of course, some more addons were made!!!! Apart from the arms, the legs, the additions of the feet and glove hand, and many other altered things, here are a few important ones here that I want to talk about!!! First up the second hand!!!! Apparently, drawing knives with the drawing tool on Google Drawings was kind of hard here, so after a few moments from turning on my cells into my brains, I'd decided to create Mr. Sheffinton's (Cheffinton's) second hand with just only shapes with the shape tool!!!!! And I must say, it could've been a bit more better with more and more details drawing into it, but I just don't want it to be more complex as it is now!!!! Then second here, I'd then black stains that are drooping down underneath his eyes because it may look a lot more better!!!! And of course, as for the mouth, I'd decided to create and design it to look like some sort of heck-mouth of some kind!!!!

That all explains why that his entire body had to be extended more taller in the first place!!!! I didn't want to let Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) to be all short and mushed together here!!!! By the way, the horns on his head though, not sure where that part come out of......Maybe it was because of the old tree models and everything that Jax Justun Studios were talking about earlier!!!!!! And again here, all of the body parts for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) here were mostly made out many shapes!!!! From trapezoids, crescent moons, arrows (YES!!! Those count as shapes I guess!!!), rectangles, triangles, circles, and many more shapes!!!! I think this was the reason why that I was using more of Google Drawings in the first place!!!! That official designing website was like the most I'd ever used from creating all of my parodies here!!!! And Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was the best ones that I'd ever created here!!!! From start to finish here, I will say that Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) was of course was the best parody mascot and Mall Keeper that I'd ever made so far!!!!! He had a few problems and a few bumps on them roads here and there, but Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) wasn't really all that bad to design and everything!!!!

To be fair here, the official Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series is now becoming the next parody generations of many more things to come next year in 2025 and beyond!!!!! I know that we'd missed a few parts of the missing parody gaps about the secrets, lore, backstories, and timelines for Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton), but we'll just have to save all of that for next time!!! Roughly for his family members of course!!!! But anyways folks, today/tonight here on December 26th, 2024 was the official end for the #13thEpisodeChapter of this crazy parody series here folks!!!!!! Sorry again, if this one some days to create, it was of course, the holidays as always!!!! But next week's when 2025 hits our calendars!!!!! And of course, Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) will always be one of the best and most detailed parodies that I'd would ever created here!!!! Anyways, let's not forget that Mr. Sheffinton (Cheffinton) and all of my other parody creations will soon to be turning a year old next year!!!! Anyways, be sure to always stay tuned for some more future updates, have a safe and relaxing goodnight sleep, and have a wonderful and happy new year!!!!! See you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #TheMallKeepersThanksYouAll!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!

-End of The #13thJJSChronicle!!!!

(Stay tuned for the next future parody Episode/Chapter of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!! Where all of the Parody Secrets, Details, and Histories of all Parody Characters & Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios will be revealed next, in the nearest future!!!! See you all next time and keep on Parody-ing!!!!!!)



Next up

JJS Parody Depiction #25 (For Lord Poffdup-Mann) - Created on: January 1st, 2025 Happy New Year Everybody!!!!! Today's the very first day here in/on #JanuaryOf2025!!!!! Off to a great start of course, by the way!!!!!

JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #16 (For Mrs. Mayberry) - Created on: January 7th, 2025 It's been pretty late here on January 7th, 2025, but now that everything's all peaceful and everything, time for some future updates!!!!!

JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #27 (For The Giant Ghost Chase Spirit (Mr. Giant Ghost Spirit "GGS") - Created on: Jan. 26th, 2025 We here at Draxx Dustun Studios had once again, found another official #JJSparodyLikeCreation!!!!!!

Maskie Reveal Teaser!

JJS Parody Depiction #32 (For Georyg) - Created on: January 29th, 2025 We here at Haxx Hustun Studios have finally returned to the official #JJSparodyArchives to rediscovered some more official #JJSparodyDepictions!!!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 24: @NickPerson is a great Creator who makes Five Nights at Freddy's fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

JJS Parody Bio Poster #17 (For Lord Eye Socket "LES") - Created on: Jan. 18th, 2025 WOW!!!! January Of 2025's almost coming to an end soon!!! Time flies really fast alright!!!!! And Haxx Hustun Studios had finally found it!!!!!!

JJS Parody Cameo Depiction #17 (For Blitzo) - Created on: January 8th, 2025 It has been a year now since this future parody mascot was officially released back on July 19th, 2024!!!! But now folks, it is January 8th, 2025!!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 21: @DarkTaurus is a great Creator who creates content centered around horror games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

Happy #FanArtFriday and #10WholeYears once again to entire FNAF universe here!!!!! And for all parody time's sakes here, here's something (or should I say some stuff) because of all of this here!!!!!