He's kind of a big one also as well too!!! He's also known as one of the very first and ever Cloud Keepers that I'd ever imagined here!!!!! His name's "LES" for short, but his full name's also known as "Lord Eye Socket"!!!!!! He was arguably one of the most longest and most hardest parody characters that I'd ever designed and everything!!!!! And I mean, just look at him!!!!!
Lord Eye Socket's like the size of an actual octopus-like monster!!!!! Not just that just, but he was also one of the very first secret and one of the most easter eggs that I'd ever imagined for this entire parody-like series here among the Jax Justun Studios Universe!!!!! He's also best friends with Lord Ender Dragon (LED), Mr. Direction, Lord Admin, and of course Mr. Eyesaur!!!!!!
And that's it you guys!!! Those were all of the TEN parody characters of Jax Justun Studios from Series Two of 2019!!!!! Thanks for sticking by with me since the beginning/start of 2024!!!! I just can't wait to greet you guys what comes next for this massive year for me!!!! As for now, stay tuned for some more future updates and see you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #MonstersAtWar!!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!