Jaxx Justun Studios Chronicle #8
Episode Eight: Mr. & Lord Vaccum "The Vaccum Brothers"
Chapter Eight: (Vaccum Your Mess Please???)
(Officially ALL Created on: November 10th, 2024 - November 15th, 2024)
(Official Links to Those Official Appearances for The Vaccum Brothers)
(Official First Link: https://gamejolt.com/p/parody-character-8-mr-vaccum-created-on-feb-1st-2024-and-p-gj9ciit7) **With A Few Official Parody Contents Included!!!**
(Official Second Link: https://gamejolt.com/p/2019-parody-characters-8-9-mr-lord-vaccum-both-created-fr-ezxetirb)
Not even from here of course!!!! Because, we're all talking about TWO official Parody Mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!! Two official parody mascots/characters/brothers that were all from them fames until from getting all of the blames!!!!! And those parody blamed famers were none other then "The Vacuum Babbies", as they were code-named since their first development phases back on July 16th, 1925 throughout until November 10th, 1988!!!!! Wait, hold on a minute here folks!!!! First off, how are these two here actually babies???? Secondly, both of these parody mascots here actually did have official names once!!!! And their official names are "RedTank" and "AquamarinTank"!!!! Hold on here!!!! that's not even right here!!!! Wasn't it both "Fenderred Clawlf Wyld" and "Fester Wyld"????? No??? Those are actually the original creators of these two parody mascots????? Okay, if those aren't the official parody names here for these two parody mascots........

............Ummm???...........Then, what is it then???? OH!!!! I know!!!! It's both "Prisoner/SCP-K87NU1" and "SCP/Prisoner-K87NU2"!!!! NOOOO!!!! That's their official SCP/Prisoner names!!!! How about "The Vaccum Brothers"!!!! YEP!!!!! That is right, but, their actual and individual names are actually "GingerRoonore" and "StraighterHiggers"!!!!! OH!!! So close!!!! It's actual both "Mr. Vaccum" and "Lord Vaccum", those are correct right???? YES!!! Those are the correct and official names of these two parody mascots!!!!! According to the old parody archives of Jax Justun Studios, both Mr. Vaccum and Lord Vaccum had like the very most and completly longest development parody cycles of all time!!!!! From strange marketing skills, to many changes of their names of course, and towards many terrible and positive events between us humans and these official and very first parody brothers/mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!!!
The Vaccum Brothers (better known as actually just both Mr. Vaccum and Lord Vaccum) and the rest of parody mascots and parody cameo mascots of Jax Justun Studios each have their own parody details, stories, and personalities!!!!! And that's how it makes Jax Justun Studios here all positively unique inside!!!!! Join us now and here, as we all explore everything about the wonder and positive parodies and worlds among the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!! A parody-like ARG kind of series as we all explore the parody secrets and histories about the eighth and nineth parody mascots of Jax Justun Studios known as both "Mr. Vaccum" and "Lord Vaccum"!!!! YEP!!! This is double the fun here!!! Talking about the Vaccum Brothers!!!! Which we'd should've called them in the first place here!!!
But let us head back around on July 16th, 1925, where it all first started during the early development phases of the Vaccum Brothers, better known as both Mr. Vaccum and Lord Vaccum!!!!! It was a cold and dark stormy night around at 7:40 PM inside of an old wooden house around on July 16th, 1925, where two brothers named "Fenderred Clawlf Wyld" and "Fester Wyld", are looking ideas for another idea on creating official mascots for their official marketing campaigns for their next future store called "The Vacuum Babbies WhereHouse"!!!! Where all of your beloved future furniture comes true!!!! From bathrooms, to kitchen sinks, towards many other clothing lines, and of course, VACUUMS!!!! Okay, it was just a store based around people wanted to buy some official and new things to decorate their old and/or new homes, apartments, dorm rooms, etc. But this was 1925, during a cold and dark stormy weather of time here!!!!! But now, fast forward until a sunny day on August 7th, 1925, when both "Fenderred Clawlf Wyld" and "Fester Wyld" had finally created their official duo parody mascots known as the "The Vacuum Babbies"!!!!! Better known as both "Fenderred Clawlf Wyld" and "Fester Wyld" themselves!!!

Official Link to The Parody Cartoon JJS Depictions of the Vaccum Brothers: https://gamejolt.com/p/jjs-parody-depictions-8-9-for-mr-lord-vaccum-both-create-wewkuqm9)
Both of the Vaccum Brothers were originally designed to be official and additional puppets made out of felt and cloth materials, with bendable wires in their bodies, and of course cardboard cutout stuff for the mouths!!! And also yarn for the hair and tails for them as well too included!!!! And of course, just like that on August 9th, 1925, the Vaccum Brothers were finally born as originally being The Vacuum Babbies, also known Fenderred Clawlf Wyld and Fester Wyld, both named after the Wyld Brothers themselves!!!!!! From 1925 to 1926, the Vaccum Brothers (originally known as the Vaccum Babbies), were becoming a massive success during the old commercial days at The Vacuum Babbies WhereHouse!!! Many people were getting lots of random stuff all over the stuff from just the best low prices of all time!!!! If it weren't for them Vaccum Brothers, or the Vaccum Babbies originally, none of this would not had happened!!!! Things would then started to changed around on a fall and hot day on March 23rd, 1927, when a random parody staff worker at Jax Justun Studios wanted to tell the brothers that their parody mascots are going to be used for Jax Justun Studios themselves!!!
The Wyld Brothers had made a positive deal on the #JJSparodyStaffWorker and ask him if they wanted to work at Jax Justun Studios to extend their parody mascot brands and everything!!!!! So around on October 17th, 1930, a few years later, the Wyld Brothers would then changed the official and individual names for the Vaccum Babbies into something even better!!!!! The new and official original names for both of the Vaccum Brothers were then named to "RedTank" and "AquamarinTank", the reason why's because RedTank is of course, the older Vaccum Baby and AquamarinTank was the younger Vaccum Baby!!!! Which that all means that RedTank was code named as the Red Vaccum Baby, and of course the Blue Vaccum Baby was originally code named as of course AquamarinTank!!!!! However though, the name Vaccum Babbies of those parody characters didn't really sit so well here!!!! How one earth that they were known as babies??? That's why around on January 14th, 1978, years later, the Vaccum Babbies were then known as "The Vaccum Brothers"!!!!!
Then around 11 years later on November 10th, 1988, both of the names would then changed into the ones that we all know and love today!!! Which of course, the names RedTank and AquamarinTank of the Vaccum Brothers are known as "Mr. Vaccum" and "Lord Vaccum"!!!!! Even their official parody models were all redesigned to be more vacuum-like!!! They have actual robotic parts, their tails are wires, their felted feet were replaced by wheels, and both of Mr. Vaccum and Lord Vaccum's faces had changed a little bit!!!! All created from them parody 3D printers of course from them parody staff workers of Jax Justun Studios!!!! Once May of 1989 had came around the Vaccum Brothers had already become a massive success!!!! From having so much more official parody merch then the other parody mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!! From hats, shirts, bikinis (LOL!!), glasses, many other face/head-wears, and yes, even many decorations as well too!!! Same as for plush toys, action figures, board games, video games, and so much more!!!!

(Official Links to The Parody JJS Cartoon Bio Posters for The Vaccum Brothers)
(Official Link to Mr. Vaccum's Parody JJS Cartoon Bio Poster: https://gamejolt.com/p/jjs-parody-bio-poster-8-for-mr-vaccum-created-on-november-wa5dvdda)
(Official Link to Lord Vaccum's Parody JJS Cartoon Bio Poster: https://gamejolt.com/p/jjs-parody-bio-poster-9-for-lord-vaccum-created-on-november-a8bjbgqd)

Unfortunately, things kind of took in strange turn around in the early 1990s!!!! Around on 7:40 AM, on September 27th, 1991, after seeing a few sightings of Mr. Vaccum inside of hallways a local high school (no official name given to said high school), a parody swap force team of Jax Justun Studios had to be called in for capturing Mr. Vaccum, and luckily though, nothing was destroyed or wrecked!!!!! But a few months later, on November 15th, 1991, Mr. Vaccum had then escape inside of his holding resting parody cage, and started to wreck some more havoc!!!! Then a few days later, on November 20th, 1991, his younger brother Lord Vaccum would then escape from his holding resting parody cage afterwards!!!!! And of course, the next year was when the Vaccum Brothers had went psycho and created so much parody chaos!!!! On August 3rd, 1992, a year later after the Vaccum Brothers had escape from their parody chambers and whatnot, the Vaccum Brothers had first caused a massive high school incident at a nearby high school!!!!!
At around at 8:30 AM, the Vaccum Brothers had first hidden away until they first meet their first target, the principal of "Amazing Puzzles High School"!!! While the principal (no official name given) was prepping himself for the first day at Amazing Puzzles High School, the Vaccum Brothers had came out of nowhere, and then started to attack the principal of Amazing Puzzles High School!!!!! And just like that, after he was dealt with, the Vaccum Brothers had then dug a hole and move on towards their next targets, everyone else at Amazing Puzzles High School!!!!!! Speaking of which, all of the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and all of the other staff workers and teachers are all inside of the gym of Amazing Puzzles High School!!!!! As soon as the bell had rang to start off the first day back to school assembly inside of the APHS gym, the Vaccum Brothers had suddenly ramming down the front doors and started to attack everybody all over the place!!!! Many students and staff had ran into the exits and started to call out for backup!!!
Unfortunately, due to the fact that the Vaccum Brothers had destroyed all of the power lines all over the APHS campus, there was no way from calling for any help whatsoever!!!! While the Vaccum Brothers were causing their mayhem and destruction here, the Vaccum Brothers were also been doing lots of funny stuff as well!!! Like taking pictures, eating lots of food, and all that other stuff what brothers always do and everything!!!! And when it was night time, the Vaccum Brothers would then escape on a boat out on sea and move on to their next targets at some fancy mall!!!!! And on August 3rd, 1992, the Amazing Puzzles High School campus was closed for good!!!!! From November 15th, 1849 throughout August 3rd, 1992, that high school was about 143 years old!!! Then around on September 14th, 1992, the Vaccum Brothers had stumbled upon a massive cruise ship!!! The Vaccum Brothers had decided to steal that ship instead because they want to create a very dangerous plan!!!! Driving and crashing a cruise ship right into the middle of a fancy mall!!!! After they'd snuck into the back of the massive cruise ship called the "Jang-Tastic Cruise Liner" (don't ask how they'd done that), the Vaccum Brothers had hidden away inside of some luggage bags in order not to be spotted around in the morning times!!!!
Once it had finally reached like around 9:50 PM, the Vaccum Brothers had finally came out their hiding spots, and getting ready for their dangerous plan yet!!!! After the Vaccum Brothers had poisoned all of the staff members and the captain of the ship with some cat and dog food and turned off all of the security cameras (don't ask why and how they'd done that), the Vaccum Brothers had stumbled across a map to where a fancy mall's located at!!!! After the Vaccum Brothers had set the coordinates to the "Fancy Creations Shopping Mall", the Vaccum Brothers had decided to caused some chaos and destruction!!! And yes, taking pictures of themselves, eating food, etc. They didn't even realized that a seven year old boy named "Floid H." was watching the Vaccum Brothers causing some messes all over the kitchen!!! But Floid just said that it was all of his imaginations!!!! While Floid returns to his bed in his room, the Vaccum Brothers had decided to call it for today and sleep until the next day because that's where they strike!!!!!
It was now September 15th, 1992, and the Vaccum Brothers are ready to strike their second mission!!! Driving the cruise ship towards the Fancy Creations Shopping Mall!!!!! While all of the passengers (including Floid H.) were all exploring the ship of what had happened to the insides of the ship itself, the Vaccum Brothers had pushed the ship into high gear and speed its way towards the mall itself!!!!! And around on September 15th, 1992, at just around 2:30 PM, the middle portion of the Fancy Creations Shopping Mall was all into shreds!!!! Luckily though, no one was hurt or killed on the cruise ship, but all of the victims and staff members all over the middle portion of the Fancy Creations Shopping Mall was not!!!! And September 15th, 1992, the FC Shopping Mall was no more!!! Well, almost no more!!!! More on all of that next time!!!! It was now, the next year, on January 5th, 1993, the Vaccum Brothers had finally escape after months of being spotted by the government, and the Vaccum Brothers had put themselves inside of a parking lot!!!! Thankfully though, no one was here and the Vaccum Brothers had stolen a 1992 Shelby Car and use to drive towards their third and final target!!!!!
GRADUATION DAY AT A COLLEGE!!!!! Luckily though, for some reason there was some GPS stuff that was showing the locations of some college called the "City Vinelines University"!!!! It has now been a month in a half since the Vaccum Brothers longest drive towards the college, and it was now May 20th, 1993, three days before graduation starts for all seniors at City Vinelines University will be graduating at the City Vinelines Autotorium!!!! The Vaccum Brothers had park and crashed their car into someone's dorm room, far away from the college's campus itself!!!! It was now May 22nd, 1993, right after a few days being spotted and hunted, the Vaccum Brothers are ready to strike!!!! The Vaccum Brothers had found some explosives-like store which was technically abandoned!!! Don't ask where that location of that place was from!!! And with those highly and dangerous explosives, the Vaccum Brothers had decided to place all of the old explosives in hidden areas and won't be spotted from staff members or students all over the college's campus grounds!!! And after hours and hours on end, the Vaccum Brothers had done it again!!!! So the Vaccum Brothers had stolen yet another parked car, and now waited for the next day to set off their final targeted victories!!!!
It was finally May 23rd, 1993, graduation day at City Vinelines Autotorium!!!!!! The Vaccum Brothers had founded something to use in order to find out if the graduation nonsense was starting on!!!! Thankfully though, graduation didn't start until around 6:50 PM!!!! And after hours of waiting, the Vaccum Brothers had finally set off the dedications for all of the old and highly still working explosives and BOOM!!!! CRASH!!!! BANG!!!! KAPOW!!! #BAAAAAAMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! The entire campus City Vinelines University was no more!!!!! Opened for business from September 13th, 1987 through May 23rd, 1993, it was all opened for nearly 6 years!!!!! And from August 3rd, 1992 throughout until May 23rd, 1993, after two years, the Vaccum Brothers had created one of their biggest parody missions ever during this entire history of Jax Justun Studios!!!! It was known as "The Uno, Dos, & Tres Years of The Vaccum Brothers"!!! And on May 23rd, 1993, the Vaccum Brothers were officially caught by hunters that were part of the Jax Justun Studios, after the Vaccum Brothers themselves had decided to surrender themselves!!!! WOW!!! That backstory was longer then I thought it would here!!! Man!!! Anyways, after all of that of course, the Vaccum Brothers early development stages for their official parody designs and everything had took place at a local fast food restaurant!!!!
Roughly around on April 25th, 2018, when a few parody JJS staff workers and Nave Jonnson himself had decided to create their next two parody mascots for their upcoming #8thAnd9thParodyMascots for their second series for 2019!!!!!!! And of course, those were the Vaccum Brothers!!!! However though, the Vaccum Brothers were originally named as "GingerRoonore" and "StraighterHiggers"!!!!!! And they weren't known as the Vaccum Brothers just yet until October of 2018!!!!! I mean, known as Mr. Vaccum and Lord Vaccum!!!!! Here's the catch here!!! Pun none intended!!!

It all started on April 25th, 2015, when the first Vaccum Brothers designs and models were originally like this!!!!!!! Firstly, Mr. Vaccum's original parody model and design was based on some monster that was made out of red and squishy candy!!!! And Mr. Vaccum's name was originally named as "GingerRoonore"!!!! Sadly, the first original parody design of Mr. Vaccum was scrapped because that model wasn't really all much of a vacuum!!!! Which by the way, that official model would become as the one for "Mr. Getlalickingrish", the official #13thParodyMascotCharacter of Haxx Hustun Studios from Series Two of 2024!!!! Then on November 24th, 2016, his parody models were changed into a very dark red ant and of course, a plumber that was turned into a plunger!!!

But again, it was scrapped because once again, they weren't vacuum cleaners!!! I mean, who use red ants and plungers as their vacuum cleaners!?!?!?!!! Which by the way, the parody design for the plunger and all would become the official design and model for "X PlumberGuy", the second parody mascot for Draxx Dustun Studios for Series One of 2024!!!!!
Then there's Lord Vaccum's old and original parody designs!!!!! Way back on December 1st, 2016, Lord Vaccum was originally named as "StraighterHiggers"!!!!! We have no idea where that original name Lord Vaccum even came from....Same as for Mr. Vaccum's original name as well too!!!! Anyways, as for Lord Vaccum's designs, it was a long story!!!! Lord Vaccum had three original designs made back on December 1st, 2016!!!! One being with a shark with robotic hands, which sadly, that one was already lost in time, then the second one being this one here!!!!

This was actually, kind of strange one because Lord Vaccum was going to be some bird creature that has sucked-up powers that he uses from his beaked mouth!!!! Kind of like a tornado, but flying horizontally!!!! That was scrapped because it didn't make a whole lot of sense and it was just flat out disgusting!!!! I mean, it was kind of a good choice though!! I'm not going to lie here!!! And of course, this would become the official design/model for the #32ndParodyMascot for Jax Justun Studios from Series Four of 2021 known as "Georyg"!!!!! Then finally the third one was this!!!!

A snake-like creature that could sucked up anything with his or its massive roundabout mouth full with teeth!!! But of course, that one already got scrapped because that model was already used for an upcoming parody mascot for their third series of parody mascots and everything!!!! And no, I am not to say the name of this official #20thParodyMascot just yet!!!!!! You all have to wait and see in the nearest future!!!!!!
And finally, on March 20th, 2018, two more parody designs were made for Lord Vaccum (originally named as StraighterHiggers)!!!!! The second one was originally going to be a blue owl with a few long vacuum noses coming out of its back!!! Four actually!!!! But that one was scrapped because it looked way to creepy and of course, it gave lots of people nightmares and everything!!!!! Then there's the second one here!!!!

This fifth and final original design here for Lord Vaccum was scrapped because it once again looked way to creepy to look at and it didn't even had anything for any purposes for Lord Vaccum's backstory!!!!! And yes, this one became the official design for Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science's official #6thRecalledParodyMascot known as "Zeathe"!!!!! Then of April 25th, 2018, the official and final redesign for Lord Vaccum has changed yet again, and the name StraighterHiggers, was then changed to "Lord Vaccum"!!!!


And this was the official parody redesign of Lord Vaccum that we all know and love today!!!!! The same goes for Mr. Vaccum's final parody redesigns as well too!!!! But his final looks weren't even shown yet from Jax Justun Studios until May 27th, 2018!!!! Both of these official parody designs/models for the Vaccum Brothers, were actually created from none other then Mr. Sewing Machine's original voice actor known as "Nilelees Brackground", one of the official character designers of Jax Justun Studios as well too!!!! And of course, October 3rd, 2018 was when both of the Vaccum Brothers were finally introduced towards the public eyes for the first time ever!! Until next year of course!!!!!
So, as for me for the Vaccum Brothers here (By the way, YES!!! I'll be saying that phrase every time when I'll be talking about my parody mascots and parody cameo mascots for now on here!!!!), oh boy, where do I even begin with the Vaccum Brothers here!!!!! Well, sadly people, I really didn't made any official drawings of the Vaccum Brothers during my middle school days!!!! I'd actually made them around in my high school days!!!!

These are the first two original drawing of the Vaccum Brothers that I'd made all on November 1st, 2019!!!! And of course, there's something a bit odd here, notice how more darker these two parodies are here??? Well, back then, I'd actually for some reason here used markers from creating the entire bodies for the Vaccum Brothers!!!!! Well, mostly for Lord Vaccum, and Mr. Vaccum had a few markers drawn onto his body!!!!! But, once your drawings turned like six years old, you will knew how your drawings ages!!! As for mines here, they had NOT aged super well here none the slightest here!!!! Their vacuum bodies and mouths are just like magots covered with red, gray, and blue paint, and their models aren't all like actual vacuum cleaners!!!! And to make matters crazier here, they didn't even have tails, or even more decorations and details to look like that their actual vacuum cleaners!!!!
So that's why around on the first and second days of #FebOf2024, I'd finally gone back to the internet drawing board!!! Which I mean Google Drawings!!!!! YEP!!!!! Ever since #JanOf2024 had ended, I've been really addictive from using Google Drawings!!!! That's exactly why around on February of 2024, I've been now using more of Google Drawings to create the rest of my parody mascots for Series Two of 2019 and onwards!!!! And ever since then, I've been rarely using many other of the other free online designing/modeling websites!!! Except for only Canva of course!!!!! Anyways, just like before with Mr. Eyesaur, I had no choice from creating multiple images/PNGs from creating both of the redesigns/models for the Vaccum Brothers!!!!!

Luckily though, they weren't as the worst then rest of my other parodies here!!! Anyways, here are the ones for the bodies for the Vaccum Brothers!!!!! The red one's for Mr. Vaccum and the blue one's for Lord Vaccum!!!!! Just look how more detailed these bodies look for the Vaccum Brothers!?!??!?!!!! They almost look like explosive canasters here!!!! And all of this were all made on Google Drawings!!!!

Then there's the heads of them!!! All made on Google Drawings!!! I'd actually made Lord Vaccum's head to look more different because I wanted to add more personalities for these parody duos here!!!!! However though, the only part that I'd made for Mr. Vaccum was only all on Canva!!! And it was the mouth for Mr. Vaccum's head!!!!!


Then there's the tails, which actually, they were pretty like pretty easy to do here!!! They actually look like actual cords here!!! The one up top was for Mr. Vaccum, and the bottom one was for Lord Vaccum!!!!! And by the way, the reason why that I'd spelled the word "vacuum" with two Cs and on U, instead of just one C and two Us was because I guess I'd actually misspelled the word vacuum I guess!!!! Look, sometimes I'm not a got speller okay??? Don't judge me on that one okay?????

And so, after nearly two days, from February 1st to 2nd of 2024, I'd finally created the official and final redesigns for both Mr. Vaccum and Lord Vaccum!!! Also known as the Vaccum Brothers!!!! And what's interesting about the Vaccum Brothers redesigns here's that, I'd actually created a few adjustments on their bodies!!!! With a few minor changes of course!!!! And of course, I'd added in the wheels for them, and also extended their tails as well too!!!! Not only that, I'd also created like a few character traits on the Vaccum Brothers here!!!! Mr. Vaccum's just all pain and simple, while Lord Vaccum has actually an evil personality here!!!!! That's exactly why that the Vaccum Brothers are actually opposite brothers here!!!! And in conclusion here, the Vaccum Brothers were one of my favorite parodies that I'd ever made!!!! I've been saying that like way to many times here!!! And come to think of it here!!!!...........
...............The Vaccum Brothers were actually my first two sibling parodies that I'd ever made here!!!!! Then the second ones being the Crayola Brothers!!! But more of them later on!!!!! Anyways, that wraps up the eighth and first episode/chapter here for the parody mascots of Series Two of 2019 for the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!!! This one took more longer then I expect here folks!!!! I mean, it was already 10:00 PM at my side here!!!! And already, just look how long this thing was here!?!?!??!! Anyways, sorry if this one took much longer here to make!!!! This one got pushed around a lot due to my sickness and everything!!! But anyways you guys, today wraps for another post here!!! And yes, this was my final one for today!!! And also kind of longest one yet here!!!! And please, please respect my hard work and creativity here!!!! I've worked so hard on these special parody passion projects for nearly like seven years now!!!! As always please be positive about my hard works here, have a safe and relaxing goodnight sleep, and I'll see you all in the next one!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #WeLoveYouVaccumBrothers!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!! #SoMuchHardParodyWorksHere!!!!!!! #ManyCreativitiesHereFolks!!!!!
End of The #8thJJSChronicle!!!!
(Stay tuned for the next future parody Episode/Chapter of the Jax Justun Studios Chronicles Series!!!! Where all of the Parody Secrets, Details, and Histories of all Parody Characters & Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios will be revealed next in the nearest future!!!! See you all next time and keep on Parody-ing!!!)