"SCP-RU15", also known as "Traccie", was an old version of Lav SHawnna's old design that was originally designed by our beloved and positive workers of Jax Justun Studios since April 23rd, 1989!!!!! It's original designs, textures, looks, and models were based on an old fictional comic parody character known as "Ferrick Jay Traccie"!!!!!! And since until October of 2021, we'd used that original model and use for our beloved Traccie here!!!!!
She almost looks like she's literally from the Undertale Series as well too, but in parody-like form!!!! Anyways folks, that is all for now I guess!!!! Stay tuned for some more updates!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!!