Today's August 2nd, 2024, by the way, we hope you guys had enjoyed yesterday's posts all made from Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!! Hopefully, they're the best!!! And before we talk about today's topic on the #5thDDSparodyMascot of Draxx Dustun Studios, I want to address something the elephant's room!!! If you all know what I mean by that's because while I was designing and modeling today's creation and everything, I just got an ACTUAL message from my official gaming laptop!!!!
It had said the following like of course, my laptop's running out of ACTUAL storage!!! I don't want to get into more info about it now because of course, obvious reasonings!!! But I can assure to you all that this isn't the end of all parodies of Jax Justun Studios, Haxx Hustun Studios and Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! I'll try my best to figure something out here to fix my storage problems and everything!!! For now, let's head back and talk about today's parody mascot/experiment of Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!
Created all the way back on August 3rd, 1213, the #5thParodyExperimentMascot known as "Mr. Frilmlock", known as also "Experiment/SCP-783B-A1" was not only designed to be like a headless-like dinosaur that has an old film camera fused together as for his head, but he was also coded and designed to be as an assistant to learn on how to storage on the internet and real-life!!! YEAH!!! That part of me almost running low of storage on my laptop really speaks for itself about this nonsense and everything!!!!
Anyways, not only that, but Mr. Frilmlock was also designed and coded to film actual and real-life shows and movies on his head and everything!!! One of the first movies that Mr. Frilmlock has ever shown off on his official coding software's was none other then "Berrassic Park World"!!!!! Which was officially and originally released way back on on this day on August 2nd, 1213!!!!! What a day that was for Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!
So yeah guys, that's the end for today's post and everything!!!! Let's hope that pray to all parody gods that my gaming laptop will survive and everything with its storage!!!! And yes, I'll try my best on how to add more and actual space/storage on my laptop!!! Besides deleting useless folders, files, pictures, and/or any other kinds of images!!!! And yes, it's like around 12:00 AM when I'd actually uploaded this first post for today on the #2ndDay of August of 2024!!!! Anyways, I hope you all loved these parodies that I've been making so far!!! Have a nice and safe day!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!! #UseYourStoragesWisely!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!