Haven't we'd seen these two before???? YES!!! WE DID!!! It's both "Jinx (Powder)" and "Harley Quinn" from both League of Legends (Netflix's Arcane Series) and Batman: The Enemy Within!!!!! These psycho ladies were also known to be the official #80thAND81stPCCs from Jax Justun Studios of Series Five of 2022!!! I think that's right......Not too sure though.......Ooh yeah, that was right!!!!! I may have said that Harley Quinn was the official #81stPCC from Jax Justun Studios from Series Four of 2022!!!!! I'd also may had forgotten to tell you all that she was also known to be as "Mireara Judas Jeuda" as well too!!!!! The official sister of Jinx's Alien Monster-noid friend known as "JUDAS JEUDA"!!!!! Anyways, all them missed/missing parody information and parody mistakes aside, we here at Draxx Dustun Studios are officially happy to announce that both Jinx "Powder" and Harley Quinn (better known as Judas Jeuda and Mireara Judas Jeuda) are officially known to be the official #1stAnd2ndDDS #DiscoveryParodyArchivers of Draxx Dustun Studios from Series Two of 2024!!!!!!
Why are these two here were late to show off once more and everything??? I have no idea folks!!!! So anyways you guys, only the #1st, #2nd, #3rd, #4th, #5th, #6th, AND #7th #DDSdiscoveryParodyArchivers will only be seen and showing off one by one only on the official gamepage for These Nights at Jax Justun's 10: Saludos of Draxx Dustun Studios and the remaining ones, numbers through #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, and #13 will only be shown off and featured on the official gamepage for These Nights at Jax Justun's 11: Gimentus PrimeMantuss On Top With The Universums!!!!!! And of course, as always more and more future and official parody updates for all official #13DDSDPAs from Draxx Dustun Studios will of course, be shown off until more and more future parody plans are being made here!!!!! And yes, no rushing will never be made of course!!! And it's because Draxx Dustun Studios never procrastinate at all costs!!!! No Rich Mall Keeper pun intended!!!! Anyways folks, see you all next time!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #NeverAssaultTheDPAsOfDDS!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!! #DiscoveryParodyArchivers1AND2!!!!!
(Jinx's "Poweder's" Official DPA Code Number: JJ1-N80-8793)
(Harley Quinn's Official DPA Code Number: MJJ-N81-8792)