Created back on December 15th, 2020, we folks had created some strange Haxx Hustun Studios-like imposter here and he looks so creepy and really cute!!!!! He's/It's known as "SCP-AU6152018" also known as "Awww Daa Imposter", also known as "A-Di" for short as well!!!! I must say folks, this one must be one of the best Parody-like Creations that I'd ever made so far!!!
Part parody and part existing property!!!! You named-ed it!!!! Yead guys!!!! That's about it for this guy here!!! I must say though, the second series of HHS Parody Characters are a lot more easier-ish then I thought-ed it would!!!! And don't worry about the ones from Jax Justun Studios okay!?!??!!!! They'll be out in about with their redesigns shortly!!!! As for now, have a nice day and see you all later on for next time!!!! #AmongUsSCPandBanBanMeetsBoth #FNAFandHaxxHustunStudios!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #ADiTheImposterAmongUs!!!!!!!!!