Lina's AppleTree Babies

22 days ago


I'M POSTING ON TIME!! kinda since I got Tuesday to Wednesday to post my babies ^^

Anyway we got 3 new trees ^^ and also clovers ^^
you might be able to tell which tree's got replaced..

Let's hope they stay alive



Next up

Faline Drawing I made on the 13.06.2024 while driving home in the train

I'm finally getting to post it now ^^" after all I kind of promised it to ya. Guess it's a bit late to draw Stumpson now ^^" oh well one day they all get drawn anyway I'm sure ^^

Hellow Gardeners and Plan Lovers

I got a question/Idea from @MichaelMayonnaise that I want to ask you.

But before that I want to let you know there are a few things I been planning for the community.

More info in Article

Oh! sorry I only noticed now

Well since I just uploaded two big things

1 What should I work on next from my ArtList?

2 What do you think of my updated about me? (not the Pinned post)

@ColesyGaming is a Jolter to Watch! They post great gaming videos! Follow them before the quest ends on September 24 and you'll get Coins!

#Freshpril day14 theme #Group as #FreshSans is hanging out with #CrossSans & #EpicSans making the #MemeTimeTrio I believe ^^

Three Bros Chillin' In A Pond, no feet apart because they all gay lul

This is just a screencap from the material view, so it'll look quite a bit different later (especially after I crunch it down a ton in file size).


NIGHT PHOTOS!!!! Had to water them and gave 12 some more dirt ^^ I felt like she didn't have enough ^^" Good thing I was outside since there was a slug with Fleur & Clea. And yes Stumpson is fine if not even good! that's just how his growing

A character from @Mister_S_Gabriel that I drew in my hiper simple style before realizing what makes the style the way the style is.

The most difficult part of this where the eyes I believe since they don't obay the style rules at all

As promised, here's the video of the kingsnake! It was displeased by my existence. It even shook its tail a tiny bit... You ain't no rattlesnake!

Oh, and I also put a little warning in the beginning for any who have a fear of snakes, as requested.


I just deleted so many pictures of Tree's from my phone like I think about 386? something like that Idk I just remember 8,3 & 3diget Number so I 100 number

Well whatever here are the pictures I just randomly made for you ^^