This was due to it being incredibly buggy, you can even still try the demo as it is now and still see this underlying bug being present. The save/load system just did not work no matter what I did, and so I just cut it out.
Well guess what, screw that, the game now has 5 saves! And they work perfectly! Who knew?
Basically, when I worked on Cold Massacre I got way better at making save/load systems, since I used that a lot in that game, and when I really thought about it... It wouldn't be that difficult to make multiple saves in TSFACP as well, I was just inexperienced!
And guess what, I was right! I was simply inexperienced back then, and it worked perfectly fine now! I am just very happy that I actually managed to make it work because the game really needed multiple saves in order to not be frustrating.
So yeah, some good news for you all. :P