Lives Combined: Sea of stars

1 year ago

A Fudge'Patch battle sprite concept I got.



Next up

Here is something you didn't expect:


I cant find the original post so I am just gonna use this repost, ignoring the tag someone part, I wanna shed some light on why I blocked Alex, and why I believe the people who follow them don't actually know what happened.

This piece of crap TOUCHED DE CHILDE

My very first REAL Video is coming out at 8:00am my time tomorrow!

Aka 11 hours from now.

Here is the link:

Live chat will be availible for those who wanna join.

What is happening?

Why do I have confetti around my avatar?

What is going on?

I'm confused..

Here's a little dose of some lore I got for Lives Combined: Sea of Stars. across every universe there are people with fake souls, and real souls. fake souls can't leave their home universe, real souls can, and real souls are stronger against disminded.

From what I understand, 1 like = 1 day.

Let's do this.