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A game I am working on, although in definite early stages, I'll give you what I got: So, this takes place in a multiverse where everyone lives in (somewhat) harmony, in this multiverse, many of the worlds are completely flooded, so pirates have come to be a thing again, and the pirate king, Captain Patch, is one of the (higher) authorities, but now two figures have rose to power, Blanca, leader of the Guardians of the stars, and an unnamed figure, leader of the starblazers, the Guardians came together because of the Starblazers, who have control over creatures called disminded, their minds are not their own, spreading like an infection, a disminded creature can spread its infection onto a normal person by a single attack, and Captain Patch, king of the pirates, has become disminded himself, and the guardians are not focused on saving everyone, rather, fleeing to a new place. You play as Fudge'Patch (not a self insert, I made my avatar this character after deciding it would be here), a pirate cat with few memories, as you try to find a way to save the multiverse, and defeat the disminded. Combat is undecided, although rather HP (Health Points) we have DP (dodge points). (this is all subject to change), and I need some help if anyone is willing to, (helping is voluntary, you will not be paid, sorry). The discord link if you would like to help (even simple ideas for the game are welcome!):

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Here is something you didn't expect:


Concept art! :3


Here's a little dose of some lore I got for Lives Combined: Sea of Stars. across every universe there are people with fake souls, and real souls. fake souls can't leave their home universe, real souls can, and real souls are stronger against disminded.

I was bored and decided to make a combat idea on, as you can see it is low quality, it is not meant to be high quality, just playable, and it has no music, sorry about that. Here is the link:… have fun!