Mason's (Official)

3 months ago

A Full Recap of Mason's

Hey everyone, Marx back again with a new post about this game!

Now originally I wanted to post this 1 week after Mason's release, but due to recent events in my personal life. I had to push it back (I mean all of you know because I made a whole fucking post about it lmao). But since everything is settled down now. Its appropriate that I make this post now.

So far Mason's has received lots of positive responses, and we are very grateful about it. So thank you to everyone who's played the game on launch and gave it a positive reception!

But we have gotten lots of constructive criticism during these 2 weeks, and that's what I am gonna cover today!

Just as a reminder, Me and the entirety of Team Marx accept any forms criticism. I an a firm believer that all of this will help with our future projects.

These complaints are mostly from @IsaiahZ and @Parsa_Bakhshi . Huge thanks to them for giving me constructive advice to improve on future projects! (But I just want them to be aware of this post lol) but anyways......

Lets talk about the common complaints.......

Long Nights

Now to be fair, I understand where they are coming from. It pads out the game time. But I decided to make Mason's nights long because I wanna give the main threats more time to shine with their mechanics.

Mechanics other than "click this" or "click that"

To be fair, I understand fully about this one, People want other unique mechanics, but I wanted the mechanics to be simple. But we will improve on making new and fun mechanics in the future! Speaking of mechanics........

Waddlers Mechanic being a slight disappointment

I also can understand with this one, there could of been more to it. But I thought it would not be a problem. It was a interesting idea of like having a taser character switch moods on avoiding it depending on its eye color. But as I said earlier, I could have done more with it.

Unclear about Area 1 power usage

I never intended to be a indication of how much uses the Area 1 light has. So its a find out for your self type thing lol.

But we could do something like that in the future.

Unskippable Phone Calls at Launch

Gonna keep this super short... I added a mute feature after launch and it should of been there at the start lol.

Bad Attempt at Creating Lore

To be honest, I never wanted Mason's to be filled with only lore, outside a few things about the characters. I wanted to write a story that is straight forward.


But the only thing big in the game's story I wanted was the reveal of K.Lee(Dedede) after True Nightmare is beaten, and this game is just only the start in the Jokesters Timeline. Once we get further into it, the lore gets bigger. But we can improve on the lore department in the near future, with new stuff revealed about this series.

Flashing White Square Problem

This one was pointed out by @TheProPlebNoob on the 4th episode of his playthrough of Mason's. So to give you context, If Meta Knight hits you and DJ Ghoster moves. It will create a bad effect where the MK effect mixes with the light flickering mechanic, which results in said problem. But thankfully the game does have a Flashing Lights warning, but its mostly my fault for not looking to much into it.

and finally..... I wanna talk about....

The Cheese Night Before Ending Of Story Mode Glitch

To those who don't know. This is a glitch that was present on launch day. If you are far into a playthrough of the game, there will be a chance where you are sent to Cheese Mode. Now this is 100% a glitch because in order to play cheese mode, you have to complete the main campaign first, a lot took note of it and said how strange it was. So I tried to patch it out, but I later learned that it was actually not patched. So I had to make the Night Select update. This update alone was the only way I could of patched it out. As when you select a night, its specifically sets the variable to the number of the night you selected. And I specifically programmed it to where if you somehow beated cheese mode with the glitch, all nights will be unlocked to play on what you missed out.

And thinking about it more. I thought to myself "Yea, there should of been a Night Select right from the star lol".

So that was all I needed to say in this post, as well as addressing some complaints, which was the whole post tbh lol.

If you have any questions or other complaints about Mason's not discussed in this post. Fell free to ask them in the comments.

Anyways, I think that is all for today........

See you later as always!

Uh......Marx here with a after-post update, uhh here is the original version of the render used in this post ig


As said earlier, this was supposed to be used for the original planned release of this post lol

1 comment


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Yes, its what you think it is lol

Still has a heart for the one who stole all of the food in Dreamland

Hey.....Its been a while.....Lets talk....

Puppet style self portrait, thinking of offering commissions for these do you think people would be interested in that?


Endoskeleton (3D view in article)

Fluffy Elfilin

Patch 0.1.3 has been released

Is Birfday!

Thank you all for 600 followers! Lets all hope I get to 1k for this year!