"Perfect Paper Mario" No actually stop following this thing and start reading the devlog, PLEASE.
6 years ago

A little thing to discuss, about Perfect paper mario.

Alright! Since telling the guy no constantly isn’t enough, I guess a public “announcement” will be enough to inform you all, and let this guy think about what he’s doing. :D
Max_Paton, or just Max is someone who originally “worked” on this project. He would goof off a lot, and not do anything. When I decided to cancel this game, Max didn’t want to allow that. He slowly drifted away from helping for the new game, and started “making progress” on Perfect Paper Mario. He’s now been trying to do anything he can to advertise and show PPM off, despite my wishes. So lemme tell you a few things on why you shouldn’t trust Max.

  1. Remember me using the Quotation marks? Because Max does not get anything done. I’ve sat in 2 years of “development” with him, and nothing got accomplished except “I’m cancelling this Mario project.” you can see where that’s left us now. :y

  2. Max once owned a discord server where he said he would work on Perfect Paper Mario, but all they did was act like babies, talk about purple puke, and meme around. They gave themselves all the roles, despite not knowing what each role took. I figured this was the case when I gave Max the Animator role in my server because he asked, and when I told him to animate something he said “How.”

  3. This is the MAIN reason. What’s most important is what I had said. Max simply doesn’t want to accept this game’s cancellation, and keeps trying to continue it. He has made constant ads, invaded my server with alts, etc. But let’s keep this part in mind. I still have ALL of Perfect Paper Mario’s drafts, enemy ideas, game concepts, gimmicks, playstyle, and basically everything needed for this project. Because I was the creator. What Max is doing is continuing a project told by the creator it was cancelled, and despite me telling him to stop, he does not. This is the saddest part because imagine if you had something you didn’t want to continue, and someone’s doing it without you wanting them to. They don’t know how the game’s even supposed to be, yet they continue. You tell them to stop holding your game, and they say no.

To wrap this up, Max is someone who’s not only incapable of doing much progress developer wise, but is continuing, or just stealing someone, or just, MY game and pretending it’s his, and he has all permission. If you want to continue supporting someone doing that, I guess you can. But I know a lot of people will NOT stand for this. I’ll spread this around everywhere I can, no matter if it’s deleted. And I hope the admins see this too. To the admins, please remove Max_Paton’s game page for Perfect Paper Mario, because if you read this, especially number 3’s reason, you would know why.
Anyways, I’m gonna spread this around like jelly :3 Would add one last statement, but I’ve expressed enough.



Next up

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

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My instagram

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Explosive domino effect

OK, this starts to be too tricky puzzle already :D

#platformer #indiegame #puzzle

Some time ago, we posted a screenshot of the Mexico level. A curiosity about it is that, like some other scenarios of the game, it was inspired by a real landscape, The Basaltic Prisms of Santa María Regla. It is one of the natural wonders of the country!

A 1h30 painting, coffee break.

My twitter:

Development of my game Juno. This is the rune equipment system.

Usually update over on twitter:

I thought I would do a quick show and tell, with a 2 min video of the start of the game and some of the game elements, after many many months it is really starting to come together, time to start networking