Windows | Part 1

10 days ago

A Little Update on my progression right now

I'm trying to implement a settings feature into the game, currently I'm just working on getting the thing to work and having a swirling effect on the button when the mouse hovers over it & all that stuff.

I got some ideas of what to add in the settings tab, probably things like.....

  • Turning Jumpscares | On & Off (Maybe)

  • Music | disable or enable

  • Speech Text Effect | On & Off

    (The text effect feature would be like, having the text either just appear without the individual letters & numbers popping up simultaneously, or have having them pop up simultaneously. If you know what I mean, then you can explain what that's called in the comments. I forgot.)


  • Cutscenes | disable & enable

Theses are the only ones that I can come up with right now. If you have any suggestions, please tell me.

Also I got bored, so here

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Next up

Also by the way, for those who have been wondering.

No, I'm not gonna be doing the comic for Windows. It was an idea that I had when I was going back into art & all that shit. But I've lost my hope in all that. It just isn't for me, sorry.

The First ever Soundtrack for the game has been added to the Windows game page. Head over to the game page to go check it out & take a listen to it. Then please give me your feedback, it'll very appreciated.

New Thumbnail for the Gamepage


Check out the @JoeyDrewStudios SHOP and treat yo self to Bendy and the Ink Machine sticker pack, avatar frames and background!

Quick Question: How Scary do you want this game to be?

We just added animated, amphibious collectables by @ErbMaster to the Shop!

Plus, they're joined by our animated Horror and Malibu packs!

Pick them up in the Shop or check the article to learn more. 🔽

Little Update on the Visual Aspect of the game:

I've been working on the models & other designs in the game. Like the environment for example. If anything, this is more of a model dump. But it's whatever. Also keep in mind that non of this is finished.

My Games Hot-Takes #4

This game is really dark..... literally. Godzilla 2014 & basically any of the mid 2010s DC movies got nothing on me. About to break most records with this one.

Surprise Game Release! While we take a moment away from our little mouse for a week, we thought it would be fun to write, develop and release a short horror experience - Episode 666 is out now on GameJolt

I kind of feel like the whole "Chapter" label thing is getting pretty over-used. It's like, almost every indie horror these days have that label in there name cause there trying to make there own lil game series that's in individual parts like chapter.