14 days ago

A look into how RNG will fit into Mindhive: Wilds!

The previous post showcased "C.O.R.E Crates" which are supply crates scattered across Windhaven... now let's dive into random loot tables for chests.

C.O.R.E Crates and Chests with Random loot

You will be able to find Core Crates and chests across the world...

What's the difference between a chest and a Core Crate?

A Core Crate, unlike chests have a higher chance to contain powerful weapons and armor, chests have typical loot from containing scute to basic weapons and armor.

Why implement Chests if Core Crates are so good?

Initially, the player got all their items from either finding them in a pre-determined loot chest or buying them, which I didn't like the player needing to buy all their items. This system felt repetitive, as players were stuck in a loop of grinding currency to buy everything they needed so with the achievement that requires you to complete the bestiary, I want the player to have several ways to obtain an item.

What's the lore behind C.O.R.E Crates?

Nobody knows, they were assumed to be supply caches dropped from airplanes before the recent cataclysmic events in Windhaven.

Read more about C.O.R.E Crates on the Wiki



Next up

Working on caves and polishing!

(you will now need a lantern if you wish to see clearly in dark places)

Here is the rating for Mindhive: Wilds, this could change before release.

Chip's Picks has moved into Windview!

Pickaxes, ropes, bombs and gear!

(Visuals may not represent full release)

(#Gameplay #Snow) First time placed character on a map, and a snowy one, and showing off some of the traits, example when your character feel extreme cold, getting tired of walking and he want to do his needs, and many, many more to come stay tuned!

Completing your Mindhive: Wilds bestiary grants you the "Meridian Epistemophile" achievement!

Sorry about being quiet all week. I pulled the trigger on working on the card minigame for Somewhen. It's a nice break from working on the main scenario and battle/town-building system(s).

New and Improved main menu????

The bestiary now has a "partners" section.

Here's the footage of the bottom floor room transfer system, remade after my files got corrupted. (Also a sneak peek of some new renders, made in SFM) If you think some details should be changed, let me know in the comments. For now that'd be all, cya

Working on Crafting recipes!