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Manga test

Also Mollie speaks Japanese

We have decided to revise current Time to Morp roadmap with a new one that better suits the current state of the game based on players' feedback, check it out:…

Big patch v0.14 is finally live for you to try out all the fun stuff we've added to Time to Morp! New Morp, Map Generation, New Tech and lot's of other fixes!

Сheck out patch notes down below⬇…


(#ChracterSwitch) Showcasing the capabilities of switching your characters at runtime without losing any progress, character keep maintaining their traits and everything else but be careful white they are disconnected that still ticking.

You can't.


The "Art and Game" community is a vibrant space where art and video game enthusiasts meet to share their creations, ideas and projects !

don't hesitate to invite your friends to make this community a great network of motivated people!

Here are the rules for each section :

@d3velopp owner
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