2 years ago

A message from the lord and a lil testimony

I've been a christian my whole life and I never really thought I'de tell anyone online, mainly I was afraid what people would say and what they'd think of me. but recently I really do feel the power of god speaking through me, and giving me the courage to do this! it is my true purpose in life to share the word of god with others :3

regardless of what happens to me, whether I'm unfollowed banned or hated online, These are my beliefs

before I continue I know what your thinking. A STRAIGHT CHRISTIAN FURRY?! what silliness do you speak of boy such a thing doesn't exist pah!. it turns out being a Furry is not a sexuality, it can be a fun hobby where you can meet a lot of nice people and make friends. yes I know there are furries who do bad stuff and draw lewd art, I'm not talking about those furries, they give good furries a bad name imo XD The furries I've met are very friendly and are very talented at drawing clean artwork

I am the first to admit I'll always be a sinner, and a far far worse one than anyone here, just because I'm a christian does not mean im perfect and never sin at all, far from it, I'm pretty weak as a christian I rarely read my bible and I sin quite a LOT,at times, but no matter how bad i'de fall into depravity I would always feel his voice in my heart call me back to him

before I was saved I got into some lewd stuffs and looking back I'm pretty ashamed of it, whenever I did erm, bad stuffs no matter how pleasureable it felt, I would always be depressed and feel empty inside. .and was very afraid of Death,

would I just cease to exist? or be stuck in some dark lonely place forever?

once I've accepted jesus christ into my heart My Goodness! that void inside me was filled, I've never felt such joy before

I've truly felt Happy and I'm certainly not afraid of death anymore! there was times when I feel like does he really care about someone as terrible me? sometimes even questioned does he actually exist?

welp last year I got a reminder that he does indeed, last year my dad caught covid and was sent to the hospital. .and he was dying, the doctors said he was going to die and I had to hold my mom as she cried. .it's truly the worst pain you could ever feel. on the webcam my dad couldn't speak, was very pale and tears ran down his face,

something I hope you never see in your lifetime is your father cry and be in so much agony

I felt even if I did pray, why would God really wanna answer someone as unfaithful and lowly as me, regardless I cried out to please save him.

now, he's left the hospital and after 3 months, he's off his oxygen tanks and is completely healed, This was no Karma or Magical Luck. What I truly witnessed was a miracle

if you are the nicest person ever, and have done so many good deeds, those will not get you in heaven, only through him can you be truly saved.

now matter what you've done jesus will truly forgive you,

I really do love all of you, and. . I really want to meet you irl whether it be on this earth or in heaven

jesus loves you all more than I ever could, and I do hope you'll ask him to enter your heart and forgive you of your sins, he wants you to not perish in the fiery depths of Heck and neither do I

in all honesty and humiliation there's a lot I don't know about god or the bible, heck I don't think I'de even be able to answer any of your questions

I do know a few verses tho

to quote John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life

will you ask Jesus into your heart? he loves you more than ever mydudes, please Ask him for forgivness to save you from your sins, have faith in him

life will not be easy, it may even get harder for you, but you will experience such joy and happiness than ever, even if you don't like me because of this message I will always pray for you

I cannot force you to do this either this is up to you



Next up

I'm Sorry Red, how was I supposed to know this would happen D:

Big Thx to my Big Bro for filming this, we had a lot of fun the other day X3


Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

ole faves from Swordtember '22


Awwww Poor Guy

me trying to get a game to run on DOSBox

(got it to run the first time, but now when I try to run the TB.Bat file, it just crashes)

OOF Jeremy's Judging you quite harshly >w<