A Nightmare at Chuck E Cheese's

8 months ago

A minor map change

Hey everyone, sorry if I've been silent, even if only for two days. I want to keep giving people stuff to look at, because I'm really excited about this game. Like, to an unhealthy extent.

This isn't huge, but I thought I'd mention that I added two new cameras to the map. Those being CAM-13 (The freezer) and CAM-EX (Emergency exit). That might trigger a negative gut reaction for some people, but honestly, this'll really only make the game easier, since it'll give you more places to lure / trap characters.

On the other side of the coin, there are going to be characters tied to these locations, at least on some ways. For instance, I have plans for a certain character (who I'm not gonna name-drop) to make frequent visits to the freezer to keep themselves from overheating. It's an idea I'm pretty attached to, since not only would an ice-covered animatronic look reeaalllly cool, but it works well in terms of the game's main mechanics, since you could try to deliberately block them off from the freezer, which could force them back into the basement if kept up for long enough.

If most of this sounds confusing, I swear it'll make more sense once I get some gameplay showcases posted. This game's gonna have really unusual gameplay, but I think it'll work out super well.



Next up

I'm too tired to make a full-on article for this, but here's some previews of what I've been working on

ANACEC Mega Devlog #5

ANACEC Mega Devlog #4

Post 1 - The New Building Layout

Holy crap, there's 12 people here now. I know that's not a lot, but I'm still suprised people are interested in something this obscure / specific. I can't thank you guys enough for taking interest in my little Chonky Cheddar experience.

Just published a project page for waaaay down the road. Feel free to follow if you're a fan of Fnati and actually good gameplay loops.

Release Plans For ANACEC

Not for this game, but I'm gonna post this here.

It's a cast for a scrapped FNACE game of mine called FNACEC: The Final Days.

It's based off of Non-RoXo CEC, so don't expect them to appear in this game... at least not in their current form.

Here's Slyman.

He's a cut character from game, acting as sort of a weird 'toy foxy but not mangle' character who'd try to steal your computer.

Don't worry about him. Odds are he'll be in a future game, this just wasn't really the game for him.

You know, there's 0 evidence that these two are related in any way at all. Like, we've been calling these two 'shadows' for so long that we've managed to convince ourselves that they're the same but like?? No?????