A Nightmare at Chuck E Cheese's

26 days ago

Can't wait to edit this to be red (For real though, why is she red in this game?)



Next up

ANACEC Mega Devlog #5

Holy crap, there's 12 people here now. I know that's not a lot, but I'm still suprised people are interested in something this obscure / specific. I can't thank you guys enough for taking interest in my little Chonky Cheddar experience.

Not for this game, but I'm gonna post this here.

It's a cast for a scrapped FNACE game of mine called FNACEC: The Final Days.

It's based off of Non-RoXo CEC, so don't expect them to appear in this game... at least not in their current form.

Post 2 - Character Count

ANACEC Mega Devlog #4

Post 1 - The New Building Layout

You wouldn't know really know it if you just casually follow me, but I've wanted to remake Fnati for a super long time.

Every Fnati remake up to modern day has kind of sucked in terms of mechanics, and I'd love to give it a shot.

#fnaf #fnati #art

Just published a project page for waaaay down the road. Feel free to follow if you're a fan of Fnati and actually good gameplay loops.

Here's a preview of the freezer room.

In the final game, it'll look a lot more deep-fried, but I do think I'm gonna go with this image.

I know this isn't really anything, but I felt like showing something given how long you guys've been without updates.

Here's 2 new camera pictures + a replacement for the previous prize corner picture. Hopefully you guys agree that this new prize corner looks way better.