Robo's Foxhouse - The Lost Mask

2 months ago

A new Game Coming soon

Robo's Foxhouse! - The Lost Mask

(Read Article)

This game is about Robo's Foxhouse as Robots Because it is the Future and the Characters are Retired and these Robots Preform better

There has been a Very major accident there has been a Killer going around and according to what he looks like He was Wearing a Very special Fox mask with illegal files and documents Basicly programmed like a computer!

Robo has died of Old age and has got Trapped Inside the Robotic version of himself and he is going to save you from the other characters trapped inside the souls!

We are Using Scratch Turbowarp and PenguinMod to make this game!



Next up

The Ending Version of Robo I made!

Notifications on guys!!

It's releasing Tomorrow!

Thank you all for the Patients!


6 days until the awakening

#ThankyouRobo πŸ‡±πŸ‡» πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

Where Is Fangame Direct 2?

There's a New Character waiting for you!



Do you have any Snacks???